First outdoor grow (problem)


First outdoor grow (problem) Okay so I planted my first out door grow of ak-48 all was going well it's about 3 1/2 weeks into my grow when my bottom leaves started turning a tiny bit yellow, But today I noticed that my plant is growing seeds on top, which annoyed me because of the whole male/female thing. :?:

Any advice on if it's a male or female/food you recommend and how to improve my plant would be greatly appreciated, Ill upload some photos within the next few hours


Well-Known Member
For starters you haven't provided enough information. Pictures would really aid here.

Secondly, if you've planted seeds at only 3 weeks in an outdoor environment, then I seriously doubt your growing seeds or even know what your looking at this early in the piece.
As the plants grow the bottom leaves will die off. It's natural and happens in all plants.

Without pictures, you cannot be helped


Well-Known Member
Welcome Basket.

Those aren't seeds you're looking at, but a flowering Male.
Males create lots of little banana shaped buds to fully make out a flower.
Compare Male/Female pics on Google... but you sir have a male plant sorry to say.


Well-Known Member
Straight bullshit!
I'm in California, USA and the Spring is arriving soon, so for you to be growing outdoor in Australia, your flowering season will be coming to an end soon. Sorry mate, but you've got a male from the pics provided. Take the rest of those "feminised" seeds indoor:]