First Outdoor Grow 2009! 5 x Ice and 5 x Bubblelicious


Active Member
Hey everyone this is my first true outdoor grow. Last year I threw some shitty seeds out in my backyard in a small area and hardly any sprouted and soon after they just dissappeared (I'm assuming they were eaten by a small animal or someting). After this incident once it hit fall I started an indoor grow that just recently cropped. I grew three soil plants under a bunch of flourescents with only 2 ending up females. These two plants weighed 3 ounces together, cured and dried. The plants reached about 3 and a half feet tall.

I'm hoping to yield much more with my outdoor crop this year which is why I am planting 10 plants which are all feminized. I just ordered my seeds 5 days ago from Nirvana and they are taking forever, they haven't even shipped yet so hopefully I get them with plenty of spring time vegitative growth available. I'm thinking they will be ready for soil planting on about May 18 or so. I could really use some suggestions on what soil to use in my outdoor grow, I plan on digging out large holes roughly 3 feet in width and depth for each of the ten plants so I need to make it worth my time. For my indoor soil grow I just used some organic soil and I forget its name, it had pearlite in it which was good but I'm not sure what else it should have in it, hopefully I can get some response.

I am also unsure of what specific nutrients I should buy, for my indoor grow I had some "nutrients for acid loving plants" and I'm pretty sure it had what I needed for flowering, I will post the specific content later when I'm not so tired.:joint: I also have fish fertilizer that I used for my indoor plants which I think I am going to use on my outdoor plants during their vegitative growth stage because this stuff has nitrogen in it which I am pretty sure is what I need in veg. Any input is greatly appreciated!!!

Soon enough I will have pics of my progression once this damn place ships me my seeds.