First Medical Grow... HPS street light 4 light source.


Well-Known Member
Thats a pretty ingenious box you have there, if a little restricting. For one, What do you mean street light? Like... a street lamp or something? If you using a 600-1000mw hps light thats WAY too close. If your using a heat lamp id recommend getting it changed. The only real problem i see is that your plants are burning. I'd move the lamp away before it gets any worse. You can see what i mean by the browning of the leaves. Some stresses can cause the plant to become either male or herm. None of which you want near your females.


Active Member
I would definitely check the wattage on that light to be sure you are not keeping it too close to your plants...but as for "browning of the leaves", I don't see that in the pics you have up. The third one shows a very nice green and healthy looking plant, and the second is obviously under hps lighting that distorts the true coloring of the plants. Find out the actual wattage of your light, and follow the advice in the lighting section of the forum as to proper placement so as to keep your babies safe from burning.