First Major Grow


Alright i guess illl start off by saying I live in southeast U.S and my plan is simple, you see theres a creek that runs thru to a major lake by my house with literall y no traffic thru but me and my boys when were fishing. I plammed on going down the river a mile or so and walking into the woods a bit looking fror a nice open area. This i were i need some info, now ive onl grown 2 plants all the way thru (last spring) ive done tons of research lately and learned that sativias are best for humid areas my first question is will this be to difficult for a noob grower to grow? I plan on planting in the ground and i know i need a good fertalizer and soil, but how do i go about it do i just i dig a seperate hole for each plant and fill it with both or should I propagate(i think thats the word :P) the whole area and fill it? I know how to determine sex an pim pretty sure i know when it needs watering and all that but i also wonder if there is certain nutrients i should use or if regular grotwth and flowering nuts would be fine? Now i do plan on putting a 6' chicken wire fence aound the plot which im pretty sure will keep most rodent out, but what should i do about bugs? The last thing im worried about is the drying process i know about curing...sorta lol but i dont really get drying can i just place it in a dark chest or something of that soort and leave it out doors or does it have to be in a contolled temp?

Anymore helpful info would be great, im trying to do this right and get the hang of it.:leaf:


Active Member
Alright i guess illl start off by saying I live in southeast U.S and my plan is simple, you see theres a creek that runs thru to a major lake by my house with literall y no traffic thru but me and my boys when were fishing. I plammed on going down the river a mile or so and walking into the woods a bit looking fror a nice open area. This i were i need some info, now ive onl grown 2 plants all the way thru (last spring) ive done tons of research lately and learned that sativias are best for humid areas my first question is will this be to difficult for a noob grower to grow? I plan on planting in the ground and i know i need a good fertalizer and soil, but how do i go about it do i just i dig a seperate hole for each plant and fill it with both or should I propagate(i think thats the word :P) the whole area and fill it? I know how to determine sex an pim pretty sure i know when it needs watering and all that but i also wonder if there is certain nutrients i should use or if regular grotwth and flowering nuts would be fine? Now i do plan on putting a 6' chicken wire fence aound the plot which im pretty sure will keep most rodent out, but what should i do about bugs? The last thing im worried about is the drying process i know about curing...sorta lol but i dont really get drying can i just place it in a dark chest or something of that soort and leave it out doors or does it have to be in a contolled temp?

Anymore helpful info would be great, im trying to do this right and get the hang of it.:leaf:
Ive also heard of planting thorny bushes around the area to keep pests/people away.


alright thanks, i need to redo this anyway cause i was only kinda half here, an missed a few points i was iffy about..

This ones still open though for tips.. thanks