First Journal Haight Solid State LED Organic Cab Grow


Well-Known Member
Well ive been on rolllitup for awhile now soaking up all the information i can now that i have everything together for the most part i can finally start a journal
Have 5 plants going in a 4x2 Cabinet coated in 4 mil mylar and a small exhaust fan cab still needs a little work to finish but for now the pink lights kinda cool looking at night

Lineup so far

  • 2 Feminized Fruity Chronic Juice
  • 2 Feminized Blueberry Gum
  • 1 Black Rose by Heath Robinson
thinking about germing somemore black rose incase the ones male but that has to wait a couple days

had one plant set up in my closet being scrogged that i just pulled down need to modify that with some more pvc to fit the cab and order somemore air-pots and everything should be ready to go
currently their in a mix of Canna CoCo, Roots organics, and extra perlite as far as nutes it's mainly humboldt nutrients simply because they were 50% off at my local hydro store plus someother organic supplements.

and please anyone feel free to talk on this post and chime in with helpful advice.

on to the pictures

Cant Tell How Helpful this thing really is since i dont have a ppm meter but im guessing two would be prime since exhaust fan probably only pulls about 10 cfm
Haight Solid State ppf-800 180 watt draw in flowering mode probably gonna switch it up though for the switch either a ppf-1600 or a pro-grow 550
Last Setup was even more janky than the thumbtacked mylar in the cab but worked pretty well
Netbook Cooler as exhaust fan works just enough to keep temps at 75-80 used sticky foam to seal around it right above the led
Fruity Chronics Juices in the Airpots 2 in middle are the Blueberry Gums and one on end is Black Rose Cant Wait to see this thing in flower... assuming its a female






Active Member
Looking good chemist! Im interested in seeing how this turns out. Im deff going LED on my first grow. GL and ill keep my eye out on this grow


Well-Known Member
Not really much to update on the grow but they have grown a little bit. im noticing the leaves are turning pale green. i have never done a soil grow indoors only passive hydro so i think i expected my mixture to provide more nutrients than it is.
next feed ill try doing 3 ml organicare nitrex and 3 ml HN Grow Natural and see if thats enough

Black Rose

Fruity Chronic Juice 1

Blueberry Gum 1

Blueberry Gum 2

Group (Couldn't get a clear macro shot of the fruity chronic juice in back)



Well-Known Member
Grrr got spyder mites.. hit them with a mix of takedown Dr Bronners soap and Organicare Nitrex two days ago looking pretty good so far. Saw the white spots on the leaves but hadn't had mites b4 so i wasn't really sure what was going on at first.
other than that their growing slowly but surely probably gonna transplant some point next week into .8 gallon air-pots.


Well-Known Member
page is lacking a bit of content after those hacking hijinks soooo filler


Well-Known Member
plants are looking good was worried the heat from the second led would be to much, so for a couple days i was just leaving the cabs doors open but the plants seem to like the extra heat i guess those 2 Co2 bags are actually doing something because the 82-84 temps aren't bothering them started to tie two of the plants down and broke one of the shoots it was hanging on by a thread i didnt think there was anyway it would recover but after tieing it back together, not even very well, leaves drooped pretty bad for about 12 hours and now you cant even tell it happened. wish i had some cloning solution though then i could have atleast sexed the thing ahead of time guess its time for another hydro shop run.

The Top That Broke
Seedlings in the cups are Mango which ill hopefully be breeding with the black rose assuming i find a decent pair.
and i have a friend picking me up some clones for my outdoor grow by friday, cant wait to see what i get just told him to grab something rare and good for full melt.

also picked up a massive t5 light for cheap now i just need to convince myself to upgrade to a grow tent and 4x4 flood table with a drain, watering is such a pain in the ass when you have to dump each little tray one at a time my ferns are loving the runoff nutes though



Well-Known Member
looking good man the haight panels are interesting , no fans or heat sink that can bee seen wonder how they deal with heat? never the less they look like there doing good so thats all that matters , come check my grow in my sig :D just got some new panels in from a company in the uk and they are kicking some serious ass. cheers man


Well-Known Member
Looking good man, get some high par aquarium bulbs for that t5. Did you buy it online or from some person? Keep it coming


Well-Known Member
funny you mention that i ordered some actinics for it need to see what others would help, won it on a ebay auction... like all my light's just wait out the good deals.


Well-Known Member
Sorry For The Lack of updates been on an extended snowboard mission, funny when everyone is still super pasty and you roll into san francisco all sunburned, love it. switched the grow situation up a little bit. smaller plants are still in the cab the larger ones and new clones for outdoor are in a different room under t5's


So Those were my setup about a week and a half ago, took pictures never got around to posting, until my new clones (4 Agent Orange, 2 Harlequin a CBD strain) are big enough to go outside theill be in this journal

And Heres How Everything Looks Today

The Black Rose is definately living up to its Purple Hype havent even switched to 12/12 and leaves are already turning purple cant wait to see those almost black calyxs, this is how its supposed to end up.
in the bigger room i set up and 2x4 flood table with a drain going to a bucket, and i have to say this is probably the best investment ive made for my grow setup still drain to waste but so much easier, next up is a res and auto dripping system so everything doesnt die once festi season starts


Well-Known Member
Started Flowering 5 plants 3 Days Ago under the LED's the original 5 a started from seeds Blueberry Gum, Fruity Chronic Juice, and a Black Rose That Turns out is a male. not dissapointed though as ill be using this for a mango black Rose cross
ill get some more pictures as the others start forming buds, the rest are feminized seeds

First Male.jpg


Well-Known Member
So Currently 6 plants in flower, 2 blueberry gum , 2 fruity chronic juice, 2 harlequin. not expecting any crazy yield here as the plants are pretty small just a sampling of some good buds. i took the harlequins out of the veg room yesterday and ones in my closet getting 2 days of dark the others just going right in the cab seeing which works better.

Veg Room
new seedlings are Jack Herer, but when i got them they were already super stretched and falling over, just letting them do their thing see which pull through.

Still having this problem with alot of the plants tried switching the nutes around to see if anything helped, but it didnt really so now im just giving them water and humboldt roots for a week or 2
This burn was from a light yoyo failing and the t5's sitting on the plants for up to an hour, thank god i happened to check on them when i did, definately not buying those again.

Flower Room


Not Super Interesting yet, but they got their first flower nutes 2 days ago so they should pick up quick