First indoor LED HPS grow


Well-Known Member
Two G13 haze clones under 300w LED and 250w HPS. No topping what so ever. Just letting em grow out naturally for my first grow. Next round will be scrog. This is day 53 of flower. Feeding biobizz fishmix and bloom. Smells like very ripe sweet winter melon. One in soil, one in coco, so far soil plant is stronger. Little plant in front was just in the wrong place at the wrong time... So, what ya think?

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Well-Known Member
Good job, next time around you will notice topping and training then will provide sturdier plants, yielding larger amounts, and having a more even canopy with even light displacement. Looks good though, good job! How long do you plan on letting it go?


Well-Known Member
They look like they have another 3 weeks of bloom left easily.. When did you start counting the days?


Well-Known Member
First indoor LED HPS grow

I can see you being grilled by the LED guys

and BBQ'd by the HPS guys,

including me

the 250w is really to small other than for holding moms in veg

even then its a metal halide not sodium in the bulb

with 550w in the room either not both is the way I go

I've not had much experience with 600w LED

but certainly support the 600w HPS as a tree maker!

good luck


Well-Known Member
Thanks! Yeah it's an experiment. A friend is running the same clones under just 300w led. So we'll be comparing end results. Electricity is stupidly expensive in my country at the mo, so have to keep it small.
I have the mother g13 outdoors which is topped and scrog'd with loads of evenly shaped colas. Smells quite different to the indoor stuff. All the popcorn and sugar leaves will go into oil, so no worries.