first indoor grower, need help


Active Member
ok so i am going to attempt my first indor grow :shock:

I've attenpted an outdoor grow earlier but there is too many problems incountered so i'm going to try to find a secretive place in my house, and grow there.

i only plan to grow about 1 or two plants at a time and i have a low budget, so i cant be going out and buying $200 lamps and all this special nutrient shit, i just need a noobie guide to help me with it.

my space is going to be a little limited, probobly in a closet or someting.

so tell me the easy things to get on a low budget, and there will be one more happy grower in the world


Well-Known Member
CFL would do fine .. for 1 plant would be great 2 40w CFLs

if youre broke than 2 20w should do the job.


Active Member
Get some CFL's? they're cheap i think..

If not go on ebay and get an 125w envirolite, i think that'll be ok for 2 plants.

i got one off there and the lead aswell for about £25


Active Member
so my plan, :)

1. germing..duh

2. place into one of my growing mediums (cup with holes in the bottom) so that its pretty easy during sprouting

3. once it starts to veg and get big for the cup, im going to transfer it into its new growing pot, the large one which it will stay until flowing. And im going to transfer it during night for the least shock.

4. maintain it by watering it whenever needed and keeping it on a 18/6 light cycle. and im going to feed it miracle gro plant food once it has about 5 nodes or so, but only small doses because i dont want to over feed it. but gradually i will increase it a little during veg stage.

5. once its about to flower im going to pull off the fertilizer and give it straight water during flower stage, and at this time its on a 12/12 cycle.

6. wait until the pistils are about half ripened and ill harvest around then. (im not that great of knowing when to harvest, so if anyone has any harvesting tips, i will love you)

7. to harvest im going to cut off the leaves with the bud on them and keep them in a ziplock bag in a dark closet for a few days, will remove once dry.

8. :joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint:

if my plan needs any revising please help


Active Member
haha naa thats been my plan ever since my outdoor crop got stolen 0.0!

i was so pissed, but now i have to be all secretive and try to grop in my house, with people that dont aprove of the growing of cannabis :P

is that a good plan to know when to harvest?


Active Member
haha naa thats been my plan ever since my outdoor crop got stolen 0.0!

i was so pissed, but now i have to be all secretive and try to grop in my house, with people that dont aprove of the growing of cannabis :P

is that a good plan to know when to harvest?
Aw tht sucks man, chavs eh?

i think the best way is to get a magnifying lens like 30x or if u wanna splash out spend a couple more quid on a 100x one and then look at it an harvest it wen its about 70-80% amber i think..

It doesnt have to be wen its 70-80% amber tho, if more of them are amber then you get a couchlock sort of high an if more are milky i think its a more in your head high an feel more energetic an shit.. id search for it on the forums just to make sure thts right..

hope tht helps :)
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Well-Known Member
there have been quite a few growers who've had a great deal of success using compact flourescent bulbs, the main advantages being they're cheep, can go in a standard light socket, they are not hot so can be very close to the plants. That being said they'll never match the lumens\make your nugs as tight as a high intensity light. Sounds like you're trying to do this as cheep as posible so i imagine you'll be going cfl's. as for flowering you should still give your plants nutrients until you're ready to flush, as an inexpensive food miracle gro bloom works as long as you give about 25-50% of the recommended amount, and if you see any burning on the leaf tips you know you've gone too hard and should use some plain water for a while to clean it out.
best of luck and happy growing!!!