First indoor grow!

Hey guys i have grown a couple years outdoors and now have recently set a box up for indoors so im giving it a try.
Im using a 125watt cool spectrum bulb right now with a 68w and a 30w warm spectrum bulbs just to add some extra light,for flowering i have a 125watt warm spectrum bulb but im going to buy a 200 watt one from the store soon so i probably wont even use it.

The soil im using is fox farm ocean forest .

This is a bagseed i got out of some bud i bought that was "jack herer" from colorado, im not sure if it is legit but it was good bud.
These pictures were taken throughout the week of it. As of today it is one week old since it popped out of the soil.

What are characteristics of jack herer i could look out for later on in the grow that would tell me if it is actually that strain?