First Indoor Grow


1277.jpg1350.jpg1378.jpg1377.jpg1368.jpg1323.jpg1352.jpgthis is my first indoor grow, i have had great success with all my outdoor attempts. The seeds i used a few of them my father purchased at a Harvest festival in upstate new york and the rest are from my buddy who has saved them over the years and are all from good strains. My 2 biggest plants were sprouted the week of halloween and the rest are a few weeks behind. I made my own grow tent thats 5x3x4 . ALL of the plants are still under 4ft t5s. The biggest one i have under a 400watt mh by its self. I figured i would veg the biggest ones for another few weeks before i turn them to 12/12 and flower. I plan on making another tent for the smaller ones that arent ready to flower yet and for the clones i will be taking from which ever ones may be i said this is my first indoor grow im trying different methods and sources of light to see what i feel most comfortable with to continue the cycle and continue to harvest every 3 months...give me some input and ideas thanks guys


Well-Known Member
I am on my first indoor grow as well.

Looks good so far. I have 2 plants that are about 22 days old and another 10 that are 2 weeks old.

Look forward to more M8

Peace and Great Grows



Well-Known Member
get the light closer or get more there pretty stretched also see some sign of over watering in one of the pics


Well-Known Member
Plants are lookin' good to me ...... seems like you have things under control .... good luck with them ;)


Well-Known Member
yea look ok, tho I would consider to invest a few $ on some nice pot`s maybe some 3 gallon with nice drain holes in the bottom .. small clear cup`s is`t the best for a weed plant root net ..


Active Member
Whatever light you use keep it as close as possible. Try getting a thermometer electrode between highest leaf and light for accurate temps. Don't let them exceed 85. I like 80 mac with co2. Less fluffy than when I do 85.


Well-Known Member
Agree with Gro, I'm glad I read all the way through, because I was going to say the same.
I also think you should keep an eye on square pot in #5, and the red container, they look like they may be getting close to time to transplant up.
Also agree with the more/ closer light suggestion.