First Indoor Grow


my first indoor grow been growing outdoors for many years... too many setbacks going indoors this time around
my setup
gl80 grow tent 2'7"x2'7"x5'11"
126w penetrator led grow light
growing straight from seeds only 2 are going at this time

1Papaya feminized from
Aurora Indica feminized also from nirvana

comments and advice are appreciated


It might be easier to germinate outside of soil, this gives the seeds a better chance of popping open without getting killed by mold first(seeing the plastic bags, the moisture would make mold growth very easy). Also lighting isnt always necessary to germinate seeds, once a root forms the seedling can be planted mold free into soil.


well the light is on more to help the temp in the tent its still kinda chilly in my next of the woods.... and yeah i just took the bags off what can i say i medicated first lol


well here is a little update things going good for my babies however now i get to find out how the cust service is at hydro grow looks like my light has a manufacturing defect..... hopefully i can get it resolved before the lighting become absolutely critical....


so i have just received an email from hydo grow about my issue... they sent me instructions on how to open it up and check... bad power supply to 2 out of the 6 led clusters... they are going to send me a new power supply but im very impressed so far with them on handling it.... lets see how long it takes for me to get a new power supply from them...


definately man i appreciate it but i did like the quality of the workmanship under the hood so to speak..... now if that damn power supply will just get here already


so im still hanging in there.... i have transplanted them into there 5 gal buckets and switched to 12/12 this LED keeps the nodes really tight... so they are still short.... but i hoping with the switch to 12/12 will bring about some stretch