First Indoor Grow


Active Member
First,I would like to commend this site for the wealth of information it has provided me,truly amazing.My camera and computer skills aren't that great,so bear with me.
I started this grow with bag seed sown in a container on my front porch on drip irrigation in mid Sept.They showed their sex early and I transplanted to 1 gallon pots with Miracle Grow.My 1000w MH/HPS light came in and I moved everthing inside on sept.27 and was running the 1000w Metal Halide 24/7 until yesterday,when I changed the bulb to HPS and started the 12/12 cycle.
This past weekend,I changed the soil to a 50/50 mixture of Perlite and Back To Nature composted cow manure.I screwed up once by misting my plants with water while on the 24hour cycle.This appeared to burn some of the plants.I'm good at outdoor gardening,but this is my first attempt at indoor and my first attempt at marijuana.I'll stay away from the mister.
I also got the trio of Fox Farms nutes,but I almost damaged my plants applying too much right out the chute.So I'm sticking with just water for now until everything stabilizes.
My light is 6 feet above my plants, room temp is a constant 78 degrees with constant 48% humidity with a ceiling fan running 24/7 just beside the light. This is a big room and and is on my central AC/HTG system,so I'm thinking CO2 may not be a problem.I'll try and post some more pics as I was only able to upload 4.Any comments and advice will be appreciated.One more thing,"GO LSU"

