First Indoor Grow, Would this Work? Please help!


I decided to take the leap (after thinking about it for 5+ years), and Ive purchased a couple books on the topic, and perused many forums for a while, and was hoping you guys could give me advice on if you think this would work.

I plan grabbing this equipment:

150 HPS

2 Drip Hydro System:

And a tent:

The questions I've got are would this sytem work?

Im only planning on growing 2 plants at a time (Ive got some feminized seeds, so no need to mass plant). But have recently thought about upgrading to a 4 plant system, and a 400 HPS. But Im thinking of keeping it simple for now, and keeping the heating equation to a minimum. Should I possibly look at an LED light?

All thoughts are appreciated!


Active Member
Sounds good so far. Ventilation is going to be important too, something to move the air flow through that tent. Have you thought about trying CFL's? Less heat build up with those BUT I know everyone will be telling you to get a HPS :-)

If you want something less conspicuous old wooden cabinets are cheaper and good too, you can see mine if you care to look at my thread below. 8th post down from top, I find they blend in much better than those tents.

Good luck with it.