First Indoor Grow (TIGHT Budget)

Like most in the US right now, I'm unemployed so I can't buy my MJ. So, I'm growing my own. I'm not looking for an epic yield, I'm just looking for enough to keep me happy (or sane, whichever you prefer, haha).

So this is my grow journal. It's just one plant, (once I determine the sex) in a closet (I have very little space). I'll be posting pictures, and updates as things progress.

Another issue is, I have NOTHING to spend on all the chemicals and solutions that are used to make the yield as fruitful as the ones I've seen on this site already. I have a few flourescent bulbs, a water filter, and some reflective mylar that will be going on the walls around the grow itself.

I've read through Widow Maker's journal post on his take, and I've learned a thing or two thus far. The tricky part is applying it.

And of course, any tips, or tricks along the way are always appreciated.


Active Member
I'll start by saying that I'm a total newbie, too. BUT, I do a metric shit ton of research. Application certainly is the tricky part. :D

You have most everything so far, so what I would do is get an 8qt bag of Miracle Gro seed starting mix (5-1-5) or organic choice (10-5-10). From what I've read you just water with straight 7pH tap water and you're good to go for about a month. The regular soil mixes are 21-7-14, which is likely why it's called miracle burn. After that I'm pretty sure you can use Miracle Gro tomato food (18-18-21) for any continued vegative growth and water soluable bloom booster (15-30-15) for flowering, both available anywhere for pretty cheap. I'm also pretty sure I remember reading that it's best to mix MG 1/2 strength and feed on a nute-water-water schedule.

Someone please correct any errors I've made.
people say that ur not supposed to use miracle gro, but i myself have done a few grows and its fairly decent. If yor using it the best to use is African Violet, it matches the ph level you need for an mj plant and has alot of nutes to carry the plant until at least 4-5 weeks in veg.
people say that ur not supposed to use miracle gro, but i myself have done a few grows and its fairly decent. If yor using it the best to use is African Violet, it matches the ph level you need for an mj plant and has alot of nutes to carry the plant until at least 4-5 weeks in veg.
I actually did get Miracle Grow! I didn't get the African Violet though... but I got the starter one for now.


Well-Known Member
With any money that you do have, you should invest in more CFL lighting, and a small fan. You don't NEED nutrients, but it helps. You CAN use miracle grow, but I wouldn't recommend it. If you do, use VERY light doses until you figure out what they can deal with.

make sure your soil isn't packed tightly. I would also invest in a 5 dollar timer from walmart. Do some looking around in Dollar General/Dollar tree/Family dollar type stores. You can find good stuff in there sometimes.


Active Member
i've used miracle grow before and it works just fine, widow makers tutorial is awesome his way of germinating seeds is the best way i have found so far to do it
Thanks guys! And Bauks, your videos look awesome! Maybe if I make some money off my yield, I'll update my equipment. I do however, have a fan, and I am distilling rain water as of right now, since it's rainy here. So from what I've gathered.. it's going to take about 6 months to get to harvest, right?


Well-Known Member
argh! mg no thanks . i wood spend my scarce money wisely , on alaska fish emulsion , u can purchase it at lowes and it is cheap way under 10$ and its omri listed which means ure dope wont taste like metallic dingle berries and more like hashy ,citrusy, hazy , skunky, minty danky dank :leaf:
argh! mg no thanks . i wood spend my scarce money wisely , on alaska fish emulsion , u can purchase it at lowes and it is cheap way under 10$ and its omri listed which means ure dope wont taste like metallic dingle berries and more like hashy ,citrusy, hazy , skunky, minty danky dank :leaf:
Hmm.. okay! So Alaska Fish Emultion, eh? How much do I use, and when do I start using it?


Well-Known Member
Hmm.. okay! So Alaska Fish Emulsion, eh? How much do I use, and when do I start using it?
well heres the gripe of it, it comes in a hose sprayer application , the top unscrews easily enuff tho and use it at 11/2 tablespoons per gallon, if memory serves me well. i have used it thru the entire cycle when i was broke like u and it did very well . the npk on what i used was 2-3-1 which was the all purpose. i coodnt afford the individual veg and bloom both cause i was broke broke :leaf:


Well-Known Member
dude, the guy that said he had done a metric tone of research is full of shit... if he had done a metric ton of research he would know what he told you isn't real good advice.

don't get miracle grow soil... it burns seedlings... i've never used it but it's a rumor that's a lil too common around here.... so avoid it

to work on a budget go to walmart and have a party:

2x clamp lights: 5 bux x 2 = 10
1x 4 pack 26 watt daylight CFL's... 5 bux x 2
also get emergency blankets, in case you need reflective material for the walls....

go to home depot and get 2 Y sockets...

install these and you're good... when you get more money, get 1 more clamplight and y socket, and get 1 more 42 watt bulbs, stick em in the box/room and that's it...

all in all this will cost you around 50 bux and you're straight....


Active Member
dude, the guy that said he had done a metric tone of research is full of shit... if he had done a metric ton of research he would know what he told you isn't real good advice.

don't get miracle grow soil... it burns seedlings... i've never used it but it's a rumor that's a lil too common around here.... so avoid it

to work on a budget go to walmart and have a party:

2x clamp lights: 5 bux x 2 = 10
1x 4 pack 26 watt daylight CFL's... 5 bux x 2
also get emergency blankets, in case you need reflective material for the walls....

go to home depot and get 2 Y sockets...

install these and you're good... when you get more money, get 1 more clamplight and y socket, and get 1 more 42 watt bulbs, stick em in the box/room and that's it...

all in all this will cost you around 50 bux and you're straight....
How do people manage to grow anything, including vegetables, in it, then? How do people manage to successfully grow marijuana in it? I'll quote the experienced growers I've seen say, "don't blame the soil because of your mistakes". They say that around here, too.


Well-Known Member
I'm in the same boat. Ex-special ed schoolteacher, trimmed by budget cuts. Jobless for 6 months. Newb indoor grower; in fact, I am still waiting for my beans!!

I have subscribed to this thread to wish us both some good luck for a change! Don't give up!!

Redivider: Thanks for that, man! I appreciate the tips! I've actually already got the CFL's, so I'm good with those. As far as reflection, I've got alumnium foil, and reflective mylar (the insides of those celophaney balloons). But if I come across some extra $, I'll be sure to look up what you suggested.
So I checked on the seeds, and they're still soakin'. They haven't begun to burst out or anything yet... if I don't get anything off of them, I'll use some newer seeds I have laying around. Seeds don't "go bad" do they?
So I checked the seeds today, and a few of them have roots starting (those little white strands). I'm going to give them a few more hours, then plant 3 and hope that at least one is a girl.


Well-Known Member
seeds do go bad. they just dry up and die. but i'm a nubie too so this is info i've read. sum ppl recon after a year or two the seeds just pack in, not them all but enuff. i managed to buy 5 fem'd seeds and got 1 free for around £21( think thats bout $35). i think the trick with budget is soil and light first. it's all balance. if u need a fan strip an old pc fan. if u cant get mylar use paint. water based not oil. if u cant get pots cut a large coke bottle in half and wrap tape round it( so light doesnt get to the roots). if u need electric cable strip down an old vaccum or steam iron( u want three core cable for the earth). alternatively shoplift. buy a timer for ur lites( u will get stoned or drunk and crash, forgetting to switch the lights off/on.beg, borrow, steal. use and old frige( icebox) for a cabinet. gaffa tape everything. worst that can happen is u learn by mistakes.