First indoor grow! Help please!

okay, so here's the deal:

i live in an efficiency, zero closets, zero bedrooms. just a bathroom, living area & kitchen. i will be growing ONE plant, & that's all. i'm growing mainly because i have a sleep disorder & weed seems to be the only thing that helps me.

i do have people that come over to my place, so i need to have a stealth grow box. i wanted to build one about 2.5 x 3 x 4... big enough to COMFORTABLY support one plant.

i have most everything figured out but a few things. the strain i'll be growing is called Mazari. it's mostly indica, says it's a short, easy to grow (but yield is amazing).

my questions for all of the experienced growers:

ONE: i'll be putting my fan at the bottom & my vent/carbon filter at the top. since i'm doing a stealth grow (to look like a dresser) how would i put in the vent/fan/carbon filter without it looking obvious?

TWO: if anyone has any experience with this strain, how badly does it smell? could i skip out on a carbon filter & just put frebreeze plug ins in my room?

THREE: i'm trying to do this grow as cheaply as possible... do i REALLY need nutes? if so, which ones should i buy? THIS IS IMPORTANT! i must know this... which works for you the best?

if anyone can answer these thoroughly, +rep to you. i'll be buying everything after christmas when i get some money in my pocket. please help me everyone... any other tips/advice would awesome, awesome, awesome!

HAPPY TOKIN' :joint:


Well-Known Member
I'm not what you'd call an experienced grower, I'm on my first grow now. But I did 2.5 months of research before starting, and I'm a fast learner, so I can answer most of your questions.

You can run your vent out of the back of the dresser. The only other thing I can think of is to get a jewelry box or something similar and use it to conceal an exhaust out of the top of the dresser. Out of the back of the dresser might be a better way to go.

I'm not familiar with that strain, but the only one that I know of that wouldn't need an odor controller is Blueberry. An inline carbon scrubber would be the smallest & most stealthy, you can get one with an inline fan for just over $100 from That's the cheapest place I know of.

You don't need nutes, these plants will grow with dirt, water, & light. But they'll grow bigger, faster, and healthier with nutes. I'm using Alaska Fish Emulsion fertilizer for veg & Fox Farm Tiger Bloom for flower. You should be able to buy both for around $10 or $15 total. I'd also recommend Fox Farm Ocean Forrest Potting soil, you wont need to add any nutes for the first month or so. 2 weeks before you harvest you'll want to flush your plant or it might not taste so good. To flush put your plant in the bath tub and pour 3 gallons of water for each gallon of dirt into your pot. Let the plant drain for a while then put it back and grow it for 2 more weeks.

Hope that helps


Well-Known Member
Oh, and if I were you I'd FIM, it's a good way to get more from your plant without making it taller. It makes it branch like crazy, it will get a lot bushier. Just do a search on FIM, there's a bunch of how to threads on it.
Really, blueberry doesn't smell? Everytime I've gotten any blueberry it reeked. What exactly is FIM... i'm googling it right now, but i'm not too sure of what it is? Is it removing the leaves or...?


Well-Known Member
where did you get the idea blueberry plants dont smell? you will need odor control, no matter what. get a carbon filter(u can make your own or buy one, the choice is yours) for getting the wires in just cut a real little area out of the back towards the bottom, put something on top of the dresser like an alarm clock and make it look like the cord from it is whats plugged in.


Well-Known Member
Really, blueberry doesn't smell? Everytime I've gotten any blueberry it reeked. What exactly is FIM... i'm googling it right now, but i'm not too sure of what it is? Is it removing the leaves or...?

Hey, we're finally back up and running. Mine was out all day.

I've smoked Blueberry and the buds didn't start stinking badly till I smoked it. I'm also growing a Blueberry and after 3 weeks it's the only strain that's not starting to stink yet. I guess I was taking those 2 facts and taking a leap of faith on the rest. lol, sorry if I was mistaken.

Here's a good thread on FIM and I posted a pic of someone elses plant that FIMed. This is a pic of what I aspire to be :bigjoint:

After FIMing the main grow tip, after you start seeing results, you can then FIM every other grow tip on your plant. At least that's what I've been told, and the pic seems to support it. Every time you FIM the plant will get wider & you should also get 4 more Colas for every tip you FIM.

2 of my clones came to me already FIMed, and they are growing like gang busters. I just FIMed the other 6 a few days ago and as soon as I can I'm going to FIM the rest of the grow tips.

