First Indoor grow, help is much appreciated !! :)


Hey guys,

After having done a fair share of research and reading, I ordered some (G13 labs AK auto-flowering) seeds a few months back to attempt growing. I grew a tester outdoors which grew wonderfully under the right conditions. As summer is unfortunately coming to an end, I am planning my first indoor grow once I am back in montreal.
I own an exo-terra terrarium that's 45 x 45 x 60 cm18” x 18” x 24” that i would ideally like to grow in.
My first concern is whether the terrarium is big enough to grow in ? Please note that the strain I am growing is an auto flowering, hence (a dwarf, if I'm not mistaken :). If you could please give me your opinion on how many i could grow in there.
My second concern revolves around the lighting, I have been reading quite a bit of threads where people have been growing indoors using exoterra bulbs, and they would be ideal as I would simply have to replace the current bulbs I have in the terrarium. Please have a look at the link ( ), these are the bulbs that are available. Could you please recommend which bulb I should opt for depending on the growing stage off course. I do not mind investing in more than one type depending on the growing phases as I understand that depending the phase certain lights are more efficient.
Lastly, I understand that ventilation is a crucial component to growing quality cannabis. Based on this terrarium ( what do you think would be the best method of ventilation ? Merely placing a fan over the top screen since the box itself offers circulation vents ? or keeping the glass doors open with a fan ?

Hope this was not confusing, If there is anything unclear, I would be happy to elaborate, thanks a lot for your time and help :)
Self-Sustainable toker :weed: