First indoor grow - Blue Dream in flower

Ok - this is my first post. Been a professional gardener for 30+ years. This is the first time I am growing under lights. Got a Blue Dream clone, and after a few missteps and adjustments, got it growing pretty well. Put it into a tent about 4 weeks ago to ensure at least 12 hrs of darkness. It started showing signs of budding after 1 week. Now it is covered with beautiful buds and sticky white hairs and the upper leaves are taking on a white, snow covered effect. It's gorgeous! :clap: Just wanted to share...



Well-Known Member
Nute burn, nute deficient, mag deficient...all seem to show with yellowing :-? One day I'm going to know the difference :dunce: ...


Well-Known Member
The trick you gotta learn is where the yellowing started on the leaf, and how it started.. Then you can pinpoint the problem. Took me like 10 years to figure it out


Well-Known Member
99% of the time in veg yellowing is caused by a nitrogen def and 99% of the time in flowering yellowing is caused by a magnesium def...
Ok - sorry, the first photos were taken under the hps lights which make everything look yellow. Here are a few under normal lighting (outdoors) which will give you a better idea. I think she looks great. DSC01927.jpg DSC01930.jpg DSC01924.jpg



Well-Known Member
They look very good healthy man. Keep up the good work. Im planning on growin some blue dream next go around and maybe blue larry (larry og x blue dream)
Thanks! just got a Green Dragon clone a couple of weeks ago. It's starting to take off. I want to make some cuttings before I put her in the tent. Just added another Blue Dream (from a cutting) to the tent today.