First Indogro


Active Member
This is a bag seed from some dank. Still waiting to see if its female or not. I think its an indica strain but not sure.

This plant is about 2 and1/2 months old. and is going threw 18/6 veg for another week then im gonna start flowering.

This was just and experiment with a shitty 13watt cfl that i was using up until yesterday when i switched to a 23 watt, still weak but almost doube what I had. im waiting for some money for some better Cflsss before i begin to flower.

Let me know what you think, any advice or help is very welcome.



Active Member
This is a bag seed from some dank. Still waiting to see if its female or not. I think its an indica strain but not sure.

This plant is about 2 and1/2 months old. and is going threw 18/6 veg for another week then im gonna start flowering.

This was just and experiment with a shitty 13watt cfl that i was using up until yesterday when i switched to a 23 watt, still weak but almost doube what I had. im waiting for some money for some better Cflsss before i begin to flower.

Let me know what you think, any advice or help is very welcome.
I must say for seeing what you can do with a 13watt light... Not bad buddy :bigjoint:

Ok, lets see what we can do for you. Great move by switching to the 23 = 100 watt equive... If you could, add another, the plant would eat it up, if not it's all good looks like you have been doing well so far.

Next, you say you have been vegging for 2 1/2 months, the plant looks very healthy, have you been using any nutes? Also, what kind of soil are you using?

Looks pretty Indica dominant to me considering the amount of time vegging and size. :leaf:


Active Member
Yea im actually about to get another light right now. The soil is from my buddys compost pile (really good shit). oh but i had it on 24/24 for along time, then switched 18/6 a little less than week ago. the only nutes ive been giving it is 5.5.5. indoor plant food, and thats not very often. and been watering it when the soil seems dry.


Active Member
Yea im actually about to get another light right now. The soil is from my buddys compost pile (really good shit). oh but i had it on 24/24 for along time, then switched 18/6 a little less than week ago. the only nutes ive been giving it is 5.5.5. indoor plant food, and thats not very often. and been watering it when the soil seems dry.

Awesome man, the only thing I can suggest to improve on is lights and you got that down. I mean there are many diferent things you could do, but just getting down the basics looks like you've got them down, no signs of stretching etc... Make sure when you put them into flowering you don't allow them to stretch because the first few weeks you will notice quite a bit of growth, and if the lights are allowing them to stretch, they will. You can battle thise by tying them down, but remember if you tie them down make sure you are not blocking other areas of the plant that also need light, and always try to allow for most light coverage. I.E tying them at an angle to ensure the whole branch is getting light.

Also may want to look into something for flowering as different nutrients are needed to make buds. many people use molasses during flowering, if you would like read up on it as it contains many nutes important for flowerin and also has an abundance of sugars to improve taste. :leaf:


Active Member
Well hell yea, im definatly gonna study up on the molasses and prolly pick up a couple 40watt+ tommorow,w/e i can afford, Thanks OG


Active Member
Wow man for only using one 13w CFL that plant looks awesome. My first ever CFL grow I did, I used a single 13w CFL like you as well, and to my surprise it worked out really well. I then added over 200w of real CFL power during the flowering phase and the plant loved it. I'd add the lights slowly, wouldn't want anything to happen to that beauty!


Active Member
Yea i to was very suprised when i found out it was only a 13 watt, kinda pissed too, but yea I dont wanna stress it and add too much light at one time.

Praying its a girl, has female characteristics, Nice sweet danky smell just waitin on some white hairs once I 12/12, Then ill be a happy man.

and thanks Doc, for the advice


Active Member
Glad I could help, it usually take up to 2-3 weeks for preflowers to show, sometimes much earlier. Males will show themselves before the females, I got my fingers crossed for ya bro goodluck. :leaf:


Active Member
just went to lowes and picked up one of those 120 watt spot gro lights and a 40 watt cfl gonna go head start 12/12 before the weekend pic will be posted when i get new batterieis for the camera


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Well just firgured out i wasted my money on that spot gro light. i let friend talk me into it even though i know i shouldnt have , but im gonna go take back the spot gro and get some more 40 watt cfls, right now its runnin under a 23 watt and a 40 watt cfls


Active Member
OK finally got a decent light setup, i now have 2 40 watt cfls with the Y socket and another 23 watt, for day 2/3, (cant remember) of flowering. just need some double A's for the camera.


Active Member
Theres the set up, usaully have thick white paper around it for reflecting light. Also gave the plant some of the unsulphered molasses mixture, and the plant seems a little droopy, is this anything to worry about?

Also do i use the molasses only when it starts budding or do i just use it when im flowering? (guess i should have asked before i did it)



Active Member

There is a wonderful artical on molasses.
"i always use one tablespoon per gallon. the easiest way to add it in, is to boil water, mix the amount in a cup of hot water, and pour that into your prepared bucket/jug of nutes. the cool water nutes will cool the hot water instantaneously. "

"and, molasses is most helpful/beneficial in flower. i don't use it in veg, unless i have a calcium deff, which is almost never."

- Quoted from the Link above.

Start using after 2 weeks or so of flowering. :leaf:


Active Member
Thanks again og yea that first little dose of molasses made the plant droop more when i came back to check on it, so no more of that for a minute.


Active Member
It's natural.. My cola leaned against the side... It's kind of funny actually.. I could smell the molasses in my grow room for 20-30 mins after feeding. No worries, I would do this everythird feeding or so