First Hydro & Tent 600w grow


Well-Known Member
Hi guys, So i got my 1.8mx1mx1m tent set up and getting some new seeds in the post in the next few days. Whats you think i shoudl grow first :)

White Widow
White Widow x Amnesia Fem
Auto Blackberry Fem
Black Domina x G13 Fem

Gonna be using Cana aqua vega & Flora with this grow, got a 600w duel spectrum HPS and a OxyPot all in one hydor set up. Im go

Gonna be doing a soil grow at the same time as should have enough room in the tent. will be using Cana Coco nutes for this.

Let me know what you guys would suggest for the hydro and the soil :)


Well-Known Member
Its really up to you. I mean, Im guessing you bought those seeds because those strains excite which one excites you the most? Go with that one...


Well-Known Member
was thinking the white widdow to be honest in the hydro and one of the Auto Balckberry in the soil :) i know auto's will do ok on a 12 hour light cycle :) cant wait to start this grow, been in the cupboard with CFL's with only small plants so far so wanting to have a nice big harvest.

has any1 done WW here? do they get tall?