First Hydro/Aeroponic Grow: Need Experienced growers Suggestions!


These plants are about 14-18 days old right now. I had to start these from seeds.

I am running the Flora series nutrients with 1.5 cups of Gro, 1 cup Micro, 0.5 cup Bloom on initially a 30 gallon reservoir. I have since drained about 5 gallons of water out since they have developed long roots to which the jets can spray instead of just submerging the roots any longer.

The ph is about 5.7-5.8. I dont have a ppm meter at the moment.

The 48" lights i am running are 2700k flourescents, and the other two, im not sure of the spectrum, all i know is they are more purple than the 2700k.

The main problem im having is keeping the temperature in the room under control, its upstairs at my house and it stays a lot warmer up there than the main level. I have one fan that keeps plenty of air in the room moving, and i typically try to direct the air such that it moves the plants at all times. The temperature stays between about 80-90 degrees on top of the buckets (thats what that white probe is doing there) although the ambient air temperature in the room is usually 75-85. Although the temps seem high I have read that with hydroponics its not as big of a deal because the cool water keeps the plant healthy. Water temps stay about 70-75 degrees.

Humidity stays around 50%.

Currently I am running a 3 hour off on the lights to cool the room down a little.

I was wondering about hydrogen peroxide?
Height of the lights?
Are the higher temperatures going to hurt the growth?
Are the heights of the plants consistent with where they should be?
Do they appear healthy?
Does this look like a good first grow?

Thank you everyone so much in advance, this is a badass and informative forum!
