First HPS Flowering


So I've been procrastinating on making this post and finally found some time to do the write up. For those of you not following my CFL grow I'll get you caught up; first off my first grow consisted of 3 Grapefruit Kush plants and 1 L.A. Confidential all grown under a four bulb T8 fixture. I harvested a single plant under the same CFL fixture to grasp how to harvest, and cure properly ended up getting 9grams dried off my first harvest, I then wasn't pleased with the outcome so I purchased a 1000watt HPS. I decided I wanted to test my new light out with my first SCOG grow so I built a 5x5 screen for my 2 Grapefruit Kush plants sitting in 2gallon pots. I've also purchased better nutrients than what I was previously using which is now 2 scoops Maxibloom and two teaspoons molasses per gallon each water and they love it! I'm using RO water with a ph of 6.5 after the additives keeping my room at a steady 75 degrees at full power. Anyway everyone is now on the same page so here ya go RIU. Enjoy!

One of my Grapefruits that was in veg a few days after the switch:

First day into flowering at 50% power:
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And this is today just took the pics:

As stated above this is only my first grow so any advice I'm willing to take!