FIRST HARVEST just one question


Last night, after 1 day of drying me and my buddy wanted to wrap a little nug in paper towel and microwave it just once. so we did. and when I took it out it smelled of that nice peppery sweet kush smell. (the seed came from a bud we are almost certain to be a kush strain) This was a little surprising since it was a minute long drying process without curing. It got us baked and it was our 4th smoking session of the day. So basically I am wondering if any of you experts can tell me if it will/should be significantly more potent and stanky after a proper drying and about a months cure?
REDBUSS :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
yeah mate most defenatly be 50x better becasue putting it in a microwave for a quick non cured dry + being heated in microwave u will loose thc but after a proper dry nd cure for a month you be amazed at the difference


New Member
Leave it to dry it is soooo worth it. During my dry & cure I would take 3 tiny buds a day, and dry them in a toaster oven, and the stuff that dried in the dark closet after a week was soooo much better even without a cure than any of the speed dried buds I had tried.
After a 2 week cure it was so much different a stone, and taste. Leave it be as much as possible. It is worth it.


Well-Known Member
dry and cure is like refining a fine wine... it takes time and skill but at the end the reward is so much greater.