First grow


Well-Known Member
Hey all I am on the first grow and I am excited to see what these girls will do!
I have a box 4' by 8' its temp is 80F painted a flat white (mylar is no good here cant find it anywhere) 10 plants with fluros 1 to each plant giving off 1700+ lumens to each one. The fert that I am using is Virogo 10-10-10 and extra mg and iron supplements.

Each of my plants are 4'' tall or a little more at this time and I have been growing for 4 weeks (from seed to now) they are bag seeds some mine and some a friends so they could be purple haze and ww, or some other strain so we should find out I now wish I had labeled them right :(

I am hoping that I will be able to get them growing a little bit faster and would appreciate all the help I could get..... pics will be up soon


Well-Known Member
thanks GROWSPECIALIST just making sure that I am not using some bad lights I know they aren't the best but they seem to be doing something....

another question I saw on I think this site that after a week of veg they went into the 12/12 cycle if I did this with 1 or 2 of mine will that for sure make them a hermie or could it just take as long for them to show sex as if I had waited to sex them? Now mine are a little over a month... would this work and if so how much would I get if one turned out to be female?


Well-Known Member
I always let mine veg for quite a bit longer than one week. I let them veg until the are maybe a foot and a half tall (maybe even 2) and then flower. When I identify the males, I pluck em.


Well-Known Member
I have 8 others... I just kinda wanted to know if I tried 2 of them what would happen.... I am gonna have to free up 2 plants here soon because I had a couple more germinate that I didn't think would actually open....... more curious than anything


Well-Known Member
I have 8 others... I just kinda wanted to know if I tried 2 of them what would happen.... I am gonna have to free up 2 plants here soon because I had a couple more germinate that I didn't think would actually open....... more curious than anything
Hmm, well, you COULD put them into flowering just long enough to determine their sex and then put them back into veg... but this may slow down the whole process a bit... but at least you'll know much sooner what sex they are. Remember, as soon as you see a male or female flower on each plant, quickly get them back into veg (except the males). Don't see the flowers and then procrastinate about getting them back into veg.


Well-Known Member
I was thinking of doing an LST for some of my plants to see how it goes can someone that has done this tell me how much more yeild they got from theirs? I am not 100% sure of how to do it but I have some idea......... let me know


Well-Known Member
If this is your first grow, do not try to do anything fancy. just KISS keep it simple stupid. What kind of soil are you using? does it have amendments ( Nutes) in it already?

Putting your plants into 12/12 this early will NOT make them go hermie. Things that stress the plant do that, as long as you aren't loving them too much with your care they will probably be ok. The best thing about marijuana is that it doesn't take much to grow a little. some soil, light, water and that's about it. It does take lots of experience to grow to the full genetic potential of the plant, you won't even start to get that experience until you have some simple grows under your belt. Not the time to start experimenting with advanced cultivation techniques.



Well-Known Member
Thanks sooo much I was thinking
am I gonna kill it if I try LST??? because I haven't even finished one grow.
and yes it has a little I dont have the actual amount with me right now but its something SMALL like 0.10 - 0.06 - 0.10 I heard having nutes in your soil isn't too good but then I use Virogo with 10-10-10 and I use it maybe once every 7-9 days.... so that I dont over do it.... does this sound good or should I up it a little??
And for flowering I am planning on using 15-30-15 is that a good enough strength?


Well-Known Member
I also forgot that I have seen white I dunno if its hair but looks like it near the top right at the colas does that mean its female?? I know the hair means female but I didn't know if its just like new growth or damage or hairs....
and I have 2 other plants that around the new green growth has a LOT of little hairs coming out of it does that mean its budding it is in 12/12 I had to sex 2 because of space issues.... its been under for 48 hours does that mean female (I couldn't get a good enough pic of it otherwise I would of posted it.


Well-Known Member
ugh sorry one more questions do fluros give off enough light to be detected by radars and or too much more electricity or are they to little to do anything like that


Well-Known Member
Hey all I wanted to know if there is crystals on the leaves but there is no sign of pre-flowers could the crystals forming all over be a sign its female?


Well-Known Member
okay so unfortunatly sometimes the delivery guy sounds like a cop knocking on the door and I could hear it from allllll the way down stairs so what was I to do I tossed out my plants and then check to see who it was if I was upstairs I would of checked first...... so regretably I didnt think I would have the time to go up and run back down that now my plants have been flushed.... yeah laugh cause I did too......... oh well thats what I get for being so damn paranoid.............

Ram Baba

Active Member
oh my god m an no!

damn, i understand though, i could possibly see myself doing that too, afterall i am a noobie too...


Well-Known Member
haha though i did find out I missed 3 plants!!!!!!!!!! so I am still PISSED that I threw the 7 out...... I have a lot more starting to grow and 1 male (which is good for seeds that I wanted!) and 1 female woohoo its already stretched a whole lot several inches.... and more to come I am sure of it! I have another one that should show in the next 72 hours or so, I am hoping for another female!