First grow

Hello, I'm in the flowering phase and I'm not quite sure what I'm looking for to determine harvest. Any help would be great and any growing tips/tricks for next time?



Well-Known Member
Your barely half way through flowering so come back in four weeks and we will be closer and able to tell you when to pick for the deepest highest dankest smoke ever :-)

In the mean time to peak your interest google ripe or done bud on google for more visual representation. All them white hairs will be brown and all calyxs swollen.

Im you can find a thread called 'what does done look like?' its worth a read for a good insight, op was rm3 i think.

I pick by sight, straight up ignore all that scope trich colour bs, when it looks done all that other stuff will be also.

2018-04-07 00.44.50.jpg