first grow


Active Member
alright this is my first grow, I planted about 20 seeds in this pot that I found in a prior bag... I know that's too many seeds together but only about 9 sprouted out... I water them about every 2 days to avoid over watering. they're growing pretty slow but that doesn't really bother me... what I want to know is will they grow well without a light bulb... im from nyc and live in the projects on the 12th floor so I have them placed near the window where they can receive sunlight... im about to add som MG into the mix and see what that does... I just wana make sure they're on the right track... and to me they look stretched but not that bad. so what do ya think



Well-Known Member
Such a shame to see that. 1 PLANT PER 1 POT!!!!!!

Try to seperate them if you can VERY gently, and repot them in there own pots, and get some lights for them...they're to stretched.

Don't add any nutes untill the cotlydon's fall off...they supply the plant with everything it needs for the first 3 or so weeks of the plants life.
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Well-Known Member
No, not bad and yes, a little stretch, but i really, really I suggest putting them in separte pots before the roots tangle, 9 plant is absolutely tooo much for 1 pot. Make sure your window is secure.... safety first!!! What are they planted in? Yes, MG is good if that all you can find. You can start feeding the second week, with a very weak solution.... Not sure if you can grow pot in the widow, never tryed, or read about it but it seems if you fix that strech problem, you could probley grow them there during your veg if they are getting 12 hours of direct light same time, everyday, but when they go into flower (12/12) they need to have COMPLETE darkness same time, everyday for 12 hours, undisturbed....


Active Member
iite bet... I'll seperate'm... and I'll buy a sun lamp and do 16/8 and get the nutes... got me some haze seeds off a baggy good thing ya told me that.. I'll update