First grow


One week after planted

My little girls are looking good, about 4 inches and 3 inches. I have only had to water them once since they have been potted, seems like not enough but the soil is still moist. I have had little gnat type bugs flying around and in the soil. I have not had a chance to install my fans yet as I was too eager to start growing. But I will have two 120mm computer fans, one in and one out and another fan inside the box on the opposite side from the two larger fans. The door to my box has been open so once I can have it closed with the fans on I will address the bug problem. My light cycle has been 24/7 but once I get the fans going I want to switch to 18/6 because I've heard that helps the plants grow and stretch during the dark hours. I plan on being in veg for 4/5 weeks and then flowering for 6 weeks. Just a plan for now will see how they grow. Having trouble uploading pics but will be in soon.

Please let me know what you think of my plan so far.
Should I switch lights? What bugs might be? Fans enough?


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Well-Known Member
sounds like root gnats. im a hydro guy but ive had soil before. i know they make a pesticide for that but youll have to ask to find out exactly what the name of it is.


Well-Known Member
those fungus gnats are a bother. put up some fly paper, that will take a bite out of the herd. pieces of mosquito baits in a bowl of water will lure them to their deaths. horticultural soap and water every day. pests will be few and far between. i had an assassin bug in my garden, but i haven't seen him in a while. he was a bug-eating fool.


On to week 4.
Both of them are growing well but I have a few complications, hopefully not.
One of the plants has gotten some discoloration on the plant looking like rust. I think it may have been from hitting the light when I did not raise them high enough one night.
The other plant has wilted its bottom leaves and turning a lime green. Could be from not enough light because the top of the plan is very busy and doesn't allow any light to the bottom of the plant. Shall I cut of the leaves since they are not needed or just leave them?
I just topped both of them for the first time tonight. Hopefully I got it right!
The plant with the "rust" on the leaves is about 3-4 inches below the top of the pot not allowing much light past it with the leaves extending over the pot.
Should I add more soil and lift the plant up a bit or will it be okay.
I have been watering almost twice a day keeping the soil moist, wondering if that seems to be okay or maybe too much?
They are about 5.5 inches and 6.5 inches. I was thinking about sending them into flowering when they both get about 12 inches tall. Leaving enough room for it to grow 2-3xs that size in flowering. Hopefully that stage will be here in about a week or so?
How does all that sound?
Thanks for the answers and advice, much appreciated.

Computer is having trouble uploading pics, will update once it works.