First Grow

Im about two weeks from harvest and id thought i would share my pics from with you. Didnt put up a thread because i wanted to learn from my mistakes at first. Now that im almost done i would like to hear what you guys think i could improve on and any tips would be awesome.
haha yea i thought i would throw in a funny picture, well ive been saying two weeks but i keep seeing new growth. So im not to sure now. I planted early June
How long would you say? Thank you, i know its not the best when i look through grow threads on this website. Would you have any words of advice to give? ANything i could improve on or do better?
Im going to cure them for sure, but im not to sure on what exactly im doing in the cure process. and how long i should cure them for. Any words of advice?
Thank you very much, for not having any help and kind of just going at it by myself i think i did good. Next time a lot of changes will be made. Gotta learn from experience, its the best learning tool.

yo yo oreo

Well-Known Member
At least you'll get some harvest from your first grow, my very first grow was so bad I didn't harvest anything lol. Things get lot better after some experience. :)


Well-Known Member
whenn i cure i dry my buds for 8 -10 days and then i get a big glass rubber sealed jar and i put them in for 12 hours closed 12 hours open and i do that for about 1-2 weeks max,then i smoke away !! but some people cure buds 1-2 months sometimes , all you need is a jar that seals shut
Why do you cure for a couple weeks when some cure for months. Whats the difference? Doesnt it affect the smoke? And how strong your ganja is or something?


Well-Known Member
becasue i dont have time to for months u can cure but its not required it just makes the bud slightly moist and smoke smoother then dry harsh smoke from just air dryed buds . some people cure for months casue they have pounds and time ,curing doesnt really have a specific time just usually 10 days or more and it will bee much smoother smoke !!
So the quality is kind of increased the longer you cure. Cause im looking for fluffy moist buds. How long would you say I should cure for?


Well-Known Member
yes it does and i like it fluffy and nice to. cure for 10-14 days its still fluffy just a lil more green then it would be if u cured it for 2 moths but if you cure to long you can start to make mold on your buds