First Grow. Yellow Spots. Help!


Active Member
Ok so im a new grower and this is my first grow, im using a stealth box, today is the end of day 7 i just transplanted to bigger pot. now since about day 5 my plant leaves have been getting these yellow spots on the leaves. it started on the first set and now i see them on the second set since the leaves are bigger. at first i believed that it was just burns from being to close to the light, but when i looked today and saw these spots on the newer set of leaves i think its from something else.

the ph is bad and i havent added and nutes yet, so idk what it could be.

someone i talked to also said it might be burns and that they will show up on other leaves as it grows and i should worry, is that true??

im just trying to figure out its better to be safe than sorry.

Here are some pics:
1-first leaves on day 5
2-opposite leaf day 5
3-second leaves day 7
4-oppostie leaf day 7
yellow spot.jpgYellow spots.jpgView attachment 1671177View attachment 1671180

if you have any ideas please share them, and a solution. thank you!!


Active Member
yeah i havent added any nutrients and the soil in just miracle grow potting mix.

some people tell me not to add any nutes for another week or so but should i start giving it to her now, shes only 7 days.

Maine Buds

Well-Known Member
no nute till they are at least 3 week old. ( I have just learned this lesson and hade to flush my 2 week olds yesterday due to feeding them to early if you already have miracle grow in the soil it is plenty. I am also new and I believe it is nute burn. not sure how to flush mg soil as it releases chemicals over a period of time. maybe someone else with more knowledge can help.also soil look really wet do not over water this will slow down growth. you also said ph is bad. maybe get that in check and it will help.


Active Member
oh i meant to say ph isnt that bad haha my mistake, and the soil is wet because i just watered before that pic is was dry
Probably 3 months, Let your soil completely dry out to the touch, let the plants produce themselves. my rule is no nutes until the 3rd node. DO not go buy any other nutrients besides what the soil withholds until you start to see any kind of deficiency, Flush entirely every two weeks right before and during flowering, then add any bloom nutrients. The Miracle grow usually has a good NPk ratio to last throughout vegetative stage.


Active Member
it says it feed plants up to 6 months but i already have the technaflora recipe for succes starter kit and everyone keeps telling me to start using it in about a week cause three weeks is to long in. but i have another person who says that its light burnand i should start feeding nutes today but idk about that i think its just these two sets of leaves that have the yellow spots if so i will be relieved and not worry so much after that. if these new leaves that are coming end up getting yellow spots then ill be worried and have to take action.

since today is day 8 ill probably wait till day 18 to start nutes, thatll be about 2-3 weeks in.

i know the mg soil release a small amount of npk at a time for 6 months but i dont plan on having my plant that long since im in a small area. i only plan on growing it about a foot tall before i flower beacuse doesnt it triple in size i dont want it to get to big for box and touch lights.

do you think that will be alright?? to see my box you can either go to my other threads i have or go to my album (2nd Attempt)

Thanks for the input by the way
Have you recently before the yellowing n browning of the leaves sprayed them with water n left the water sit on the leaves while the lights were on??
Your grow box is ideal for one plant topped and LST


Active Member
you know what i think i have done that before....could that be the issue???

and yeah thats what i planned on doing, how tall do you think i should let it get before flowering?


Active Member
oh and another update the new leaves that came in arebigger now and i can see them then alsohave these spots on there tips they are light and hard to see right now but i know they are there ill be uploading more pics tonight after work at around 6 (eastern time).

now im back into worrying stage hahaha, i recently got someone telling me to just go ahead and start adding nutes i have at about 1/4 strength and seeing how it goes. i questioned him on it but he seemed pretty adimit that i should do so. i looked at his setups and he seems to know what he is doing so next time i water i plan on adding nutes.

so i dont think its from the leaves beeing wet before unless it would still affect it for a while but if its like this throughout the grow, im kinda ok with it. i learned to accept as long as it doesnt kill my plant or give me really shitty bud im fine.

Shit its only my first grow i didnt plan on being an expert with the perfect grow, but i hope to achieve that some day


Well-Known Member
LoL thanks for the laugh guys . It's a calcium def. .That most any soil should be ammended with dolomite lime(a calcium source) at potting .
3 solutions .
1 -go buy a liquid cal/mag product .
2- read up on epsom salt (another calcium source)
3-repot into some decent soil and either of the above but def ammend with dolomite lime . Read up on it also .


Well-Known Member
Eggshells are a calcium source but it's not readily available they are good for composting to add calcium .It's just that they take time to break down and are not a quick fix at all .


Well-Known Member
Something is F'd up in your soil, It def shouldn't be having a def this early it it's life... I would switch to a different soil