First grow with THC BOMB and having problems.


Hello everyone. This is my first ever grow of THC BOMB(second grow in all). I need some help with one of the plants. Plant is 5 weeks old and has been the same size for about 2 weeks. I started it on 12/12 schedule last week hoping I might see some growth, but nothing. I do see some new growth though. I am adding 2 pictures, hopefully someone can give me some advice. Oh, almost forgot, they are growing in FFF soil and using FF nutes as well. They are growing under 1 90 watt quad ufo led and 6 23 watt cfl's. Help Help!!



New Member
first 12/12 wont give u growth u r looking for
i would veg some more like for 2-3 weeks but u already changed so unless u want to reveg which i dont think u do since u are impatient so grow it out


Well-Known Member
no worries. it might be a short, stocky plant. i have never grown thc bomb, but it says it is short plant, and it it might not stretch too much after only one week of 12/12. hell, i have plants that don't barely stretch at all.

it looks real nice in the photos. how many plants do you have under your lights?


Well-Known Member
your not interupting the dark hours are you? i was opening my closet for 10secends every nite and i put off flowering by 1 month. how often are u watering and feeding ?


I have 4 total. 2 pure afghani and 2 thc bomb. No, i have not interupted the dark period. thanks for the info. I'll wait and see what happens.