First Grow - Update start of week 6 flower


Hey guys just looking for feedback. it is my first grow, gone with screen, coco mix, canna coco ab schedule with big bud added as well. manual watering now I know might be late to ask but wandered how many litres a day you give manually for a 20 litre pot?! so far watered every one with 1.5 litres daily, not too sure if its too much or not?!

Worried about the size they currently are at start of week 6 flowering buds seem still quite small, maybe it its like they say, explosive growth you see in last two weeks!?

in pics below you see ultimate which is first pic half of the screen (two plants) second pic is tangerine dream (three plants)

Now i understand ultimate is 8-9 weeks till finish TG is 10-11 weeks hence looks even smaller

another thing to add is this week is one week where i add rec dose of pk13/14 for one week, maybe this will make them bigger?!

as i said this is first time growing so never seen full process before so please guys be gentle and tell me if i am doing ok and what my possible yield could be? and if i am not overwatering?

also if you need more info please let me know will upload more pics or whatever else

thanks a million



Active Member
i can tell u tht i give my plants 1 u.s gallon for every 5 gal of soil..about every 2 days sometimes 3..try the pot lifting method thts the way i do it..get the feel of how heavy ur pot is dry and then how heavy after watering so u can lift it and tell if u need water or not. thts the best way becuase u cant always follow a schedule sometimes they need more or less..depending on the stage and root growth. good luck man looks like it might just be conditions tht weight in on bud size..whats ur temps? humidity? got Co2 ? what kinda light ? alotta things cud factor in giving little info..needs more info for better answers


i can tell u tht i give my plants 1 u.s gallon for every 5 gal of soil..about every 2 days sometimes 3..try the pot lifting method thts the way i do it..get the feel of how heavy ur pot is dry and then how heavy after watering so u can lift it and tell if u need water or not. thts the best way becuase u cant always follow a schedule sometimes they need more or less..depending on the stage and root growth. good luck man looks like it might just be conditions tht weight in on bud size..whats ur temps? humidity? got Co2 ? what kinda light ? alotta things cud factor in giving little info..needs more info for better answers
Hey thank you for advice

temps reach max are 85-95 F i know a bit high however airflow is brilliant, two air cooled hoods with 2 600w sunmaster lamps, no co2 generator, screen size 2 square meters