First grow to begin soon!


Hey guys,

This is my first post on these forums but ive been a member for about a week now reading all the informative stuff on here and looking at your journals and its been very helpful already this is my first medicinal grow and my budget is very low at the moment, and my living conditions has resorted me to this space but I think its worth a shot if it will help me out in the long run

Heres what im working with, I dont have a measuring tape at the moment but im sure its 1mx1m and 2m tall at its peak but as you see it slopes inwards at the back decreasing height the further back it goes.


I have ordered the following;

1x 125w CFL Blue (For Veg)1x 600w HPS (Flowering) {Too hot for this space?}
1x Basic Reflector
1x Bathroom Extractor Fan (Extract Performance is 88 cubic metres per hour.){Is too much or too less?}
1x small oscilating fan
1x 2 Metres ducting
5x Emergency Foil Blankets for reflection
1x 50M Alluminium Reflective tape
1x BioBizz All-Mix soil
6x 2gal pots
6x peat cups
1x propogator
1x thermostat / hydrogemeter
1x soil ph/npk test kit

I am waiting on 4 feminized greenhouse the church seeds, along with a free female amnesia. I plan to order nutrients in a few weeks just before it needs it.

Do I need any more equiptment?
Is anything wrong I need to change?
How should I setup the inside?

Any feedback/information will be greatly appreciated as this is my first try, and I will keep you guys updated as I recieve my items and work on the space.
