First grow - taproot pushing seed out of soil?


This is my first ever grow. I put my seed in a glass of distilled water for about 24 hours. At that point it was sunk to the ground and I thought I could see a slight crack. I put the seed about 1/4 inch deep into a rapid rooter and then put the rooter in my 5-gallon pot. This was Friday evening. Today, Sunday morning, I went to check on her and saw that the taproot seems to be pushing the seed out of the soil. Is this normal? Did I not put the seed deep enough? Do I need to cover it with soil again? She's still in the dark, is that ok? I'd appreciate any advice.


Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
It is looking for light
A light spray of water a few days and that husk will split and push off
A little soil on top won't hurt not covered but touching hull


Well-Known Member
I'd fill that big hole that little sprout is coming out of first of all.

Get your light on and keep it on for 24hrs a day until established more.
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