First grow strategy!

Alright im trying to make optimal use of my space and ive seen many different uses of similar spaces however I havnt seen anything anywhere saying hey for best results use this kind of setup. Heres what im workin with and what I was thinkin.

Ive got 3 foot 11 inches wide, 2 foot 2 inches deep and 5 foot 11 inches high. With a 1.5 foot shelf above that

400w hps which I know is a large light for a small place ive already purchased a 4" premium bilge blower and intend to set up 2 8" fans around the canopy with a slight upward tilt.

Was thinking of lining the inside where the doors slide with a tarp to keep light in/out. 4" hole cut at the top for the blower to keep hot air going out inlet air on the bottom.

For actual type I grow was leaning towards a SOG setup, cutting off all lower branches off the initial plants for a single cola style setup and giving me a couple clones. So as long as I dont kill my clones the first grow will only be 1 single plant maybe 2 (making first grow a little easier).

Was also leaning towards an ebb and flow style or perpetual drip. Maybe start with a perpetual drip since ebb and flow would be overboard with only 1-2 plants.

Here are the 2 strains im going to pick 1 or try both unsure.

I have yet to pick a type/brand of fertilizer im hoping to find something cheapish for the first bit while I learn and im also trying to decide how necessary it would be to try and make a home made cooltube due to the size of the room/light.

Any questions comments concerns food for thought personal experiences w/e you have to offer ide like to hear it. If you think something is wrong or something else would be optimal please tell me im open to everything.