First Grow, Starting with CFL then moving to 600watt HPS+MH

Ok ladies and gents, this is my first grow. Im starting the seedlings under a 42 watt CFL and using some standard Solo cups with holes in the bottom and 4 containers that you water from the bottom (even tho i've not using that part yet). I am going to move them under a 600watt HPS+MH light soon enough. Here are my seeds

10 - White Rhino - purchased from (delivered worldwide and I live in USA and I recieved them in 6 days)
5 - Afghan (freebies) from

I decided to only germinate 4 white rhino and all 5 afghan.
all 4 White Rhino germinated and 4/5 afghan germinated.

*Special Note: I just recieved more seeds, 10 Northern Lights, 10 Hash Bomb, and 5 Auto-Berry Feminized (auto-flowering). I'm gonna plant these as soon as I fix my bug problem! All bought from ! Great website and great customer service, very happy with them.

Although right now im having a little issue with some of my plants, I believe bugs are getting to them :cry: and I need some advice on how to fix this problem before it gets worse. Notice that last 2 pictures are my plants having issues, I have noticed a flying bug that is flying around and its disturbing:evil:. And the other plant is browning on both sides! Anyone with advice, lend me a hand please fellow grower/smoker :joint:

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Well-Known Member
Looks to me like an overwatering problem . Your not feeding them nutes are you ? As for bugs I dont see any damage from them in your pics .You just need to do some preventative bug spraying .I am at the same stage your are I spray everything as a preventative but dont spray your plants at this stage unless your infested . Bug sprays can stunt young seedlings ! BTW looking good !
Looks to me like an overwatering problem . Your not feeding them nutes are you ? As for bugs I dont see any damage from them in your pics .You just need to do some preventative bug spraying .I am at the same stage your are I spray everything as a preventative but dont spray your plants at this stage unless your infested . Bug sprays can stunt young seedlings ! BTW looking good !
Actually now that you mention it I have been watering them quite a bit. what would you recommend as a feeding schedule? I'm using a sprayer, should I just not water them for a few days and see if they start looking better? Ive seen some small bugs flying around my plants and laying around in the soil though. Any thoughts? And what preventative bug sprays would you recommend?


Well-Known Member
Yeah let them dry out some b4 you water . Depending on the soil u used they shouldnt need any additional nutrients yet . I use permetheum based bug spray its organic not to harsh but works good on the flys and such .

You'll get better answers if you list eaxctly what you got going on type soil , nutrients u have used, lights etc