First grow. soil.


Active Member
so this is my first grow. i feel like im in over my head. i still need to purchase lights, but have been facing problems along the waay of the grow process. i have an ant infestation in my largest one and want to kill these damn ants so they dont kill me first. i may be out numbered but not outgunned. i have also noticed what seems to be a slime trail from a slug or some other slimy bitch trying to survive where it shouldnt be living.

i was thinking of making a new soil mixture to better the plants but fear for the shock that that will cause for the plant.

does any one have any suggestions that can help me get off the ground and save what life is left in them.



New Member
are those growing in a need to get some sort of light and use seperate pots....get for farm soil and like 2 gallon pots for those and a lamp...once you get all those things they should stop drooping and not lean over for the light they also can get a fan inyour box or werever your gonna grow thim as long as you have a light....i would act soon