First grow, Small Micro set up ideas/advice req [Long Post]


Active Member
Hey everyone. I've been lurking on the forums for a little while getting info but decided it was about time to post something of my own, about the space I have available and what I can do with it.

It's small. Really small, height wise.

Total foot print size will only be 3'Wx2'Dx26"H. I am going to make the main chamber size 2x2x26" and leave the foot to the side to hold the exhaust up top, wiring mess somewhere (probably mounted on the back wall), and the mother/clones.

I will start with soil, but would like to eventually switch to a simple drip hydro set up if I can make one low profile enough without an extra reservoir.

Now, since I have such a limited grow height space, the veg stage couldn't be very long at all, even if I use a SCROG. With a SCROG though in 2x2 how many plants should I bother putting in? 2-3? I'll be working with bag seeds first, one of my buddies will give me 6 unknown seeds he's had kicking around. What size pots should I use in this set up, and what height over the dirt line should I make the SCROG? I figure the lights up top will take up at least the top 4".

My other option is to go straight from seed to 12/12 since I have such a small space anyway. I've seen some people use 20oz soda bottles with the tops cut off and the plants just shoot straight up, since so many are packed in, but obviously don't yield much each. A constant harvest every week on a couple or few plants would be cool, but I would need a LOT of soda bottles, I'm not sure if it would be optimum or not in g/watt/time.

Does anybody know what would probably be better for yield between the length of time it takes to grow a scrog to maturity (from seeds right now), and more plants but in a clusterfuck going immediately 12/12, however many I can pack in 2x2 offset so I get an equal amount of harvest/week?

I am pretty set on using CFL's, and depending what I can find, would like to run about 200 watts max from 6-8 ~30's or 4 50's...Maybe 100 more if I do 12/12 with a bunch. Would that be enough? I can't see putting more than 3 plants in a 2x2 SCROG without overgrowing it.

As for ventilation, this thing needs to be 100% stealth. One reason why it needs to be so small. With only 16cu' of grow space, can I get away with just a 10 or 12cm silent computer fan (goal is <15db) that might only move 60 cfm, not obstructed already by a DIY carbon filter? Without drawing up awful pictures in MS Paint (they will come tho), I would like to see the intake use one more fan in the lower right corner of the grow chamber pulling air through part of some cut up filter. Whether its HEPA or not, it would be mounted on the outside just to keep dust and crap out, as well as serving as a low profile light shield. That way I don't need a bunch of PVC pipe taking up valuable space. I'll have a free-standing computer fan I can move around to get air flow through the plants where I want.

Another question - How should I ventillate the small room next door for mommy or the clones? I would like it to be somewhat passive air flow, maybe one more free standing fan in the clone room, and only one exhaust fan on the other side of a charcoal filter. What should I use to move the air between the two though? Small PVC pipes in a Z shape to keep light out of each? I just think it might be a pain to cut U shapes into the back edge of the center divider to imbed them, and seal all the gaps with silicone. If there's any better, less intrusive way you can think of, let me know.

Sorry about the long post. I'm also awfully tired typing this up, so if I repeated myself, thats why. Just remember though, I need to keep this 100% stealth (living situations) so primarily QUIET, and EASY to build (fast) and relatively cheap.

Thanks everyone, help out the noobie! bongsmilie:leaf: