First grow, should I switch to flower?


It's a 2x4 tent, HLG 320w rspec light, 10 gal pots(one in a 5 gal)

Been running 18/6 hr and topping them and a bit of training to keep them wider instead of taller.

I'm going to scrog it to help train it some more, MIGHT remove one plant as I'm not sure how crowded it will get.

Its cookie kush strain I got from clone, have about 25" of height left in the tent.

Should I switch to flower in a week? Last thing I want is these things to stretch 3 times their height now and I run out of room, but I want to fill out the canopy more.

What can I expect for growth in flower stage if I switch now?


Well-Known Member
Cookie Kush is an indica dominant strain so you are probably gonna get more like an 18" stretch.

In a 2x4 tent, the SCROG method is a great training technique for 1 or 2 plants to get them to fill in the entire 2 x 4 area. With the SCROG netting, and if you put a support trellis as well, it is gonna get crowded in there with four plants. I would keep the largest two and weave them through if you plan on going with a SCROG set-up.

But rather than having to remove some of the plants, why not do a Sea Of Green (SOG) - tie down some of the outer branches to fill in some of the "bare spots" and maintain a flatter canopy - then you can flower them all.

Just a suggestion ...


Well-Known Member
It's a 2x4 tent, HLG 320w rspec light, 10 gal pots(one in a 5 gal)

Been running 18/6 hr and topping them and a bit of training to keep them wider instead of taller.

I'm going to scrog it to help train it some more, MIGHT remove one plant as I'm not sure how crowded it will get.

Its cookie kush strain I got from clone, have about 25" of height left in the tent.

Should I switch to flower in a week? Last thing I want is these things to stretch 3 times their height now and I run out of room, but I want to fill out the canopy more.

What can I expect for growth in flower stage if I switch now?
Great 1st grow!
I'm guessing you already had a green thumb before this grow.


Thanks guys. Only growing I've ever done was back in high school growing plants in my dad's swamp behind the farm lol. I might give one plant to my neighbour and just let 3 plants fill the tent.

Still not sure how far to keep this QB 320w from the plants, Currently at 20" away as it was 16" the last 18hr and planta got a bit droopy. Could be still adjusting from the old burple lights too.

I made a thread in the Grow Journals section as well showing more pics n write up.


Well-Known Member
16" might be a bit too close. 20" sounds like a good distance. See how they adjust to 20" and, if needed, you can gradually increase the distance until you find that sweet spot.


Well-Known Member
I agree with StareCase, an Indica will usually stretch double the size. It's the Sativa/Hazes that do the insane 3x stretches,
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Well-Known Member
Thanks guys. Only growing I've ever done was back in high school growing plants in my dad's swamp behind the farm lol. I might give one plant to my neighbour and just let 3 plants fill the tent.

Still not sure how far to keep this QB 320w from the plants, Currently at 20" away as it was 16" the last 18hr and planta got a bit droopy. Could be still adjusting from the old burple lights too.

I made a thread in the Grow Journals section as well showing more pics n write up.
Keep that light at least 20” away. Read up on light height with LED. It’s not heat related either.


Its 24" now for last 10hrs. I'll maybe move it down in a few days.

I'm not sure how to adjust the driver either, I see the rubber cover but havnt removed yet.

Think I'll switch to flower in about a week after the scrog

Chip Green

Well-Known Member
In a space like that, with that particular "lamp", I can't imagine needing it any closer than 16".... You're already on the upper level with the 40w/sq ft, with anything built by HLG, that's a serious amount of photons... inside a tent as well.
Under that rubber cover, you will find a smallish flathead "screw" to adjust the output, via the internal potentiometer.


Ok, these girls are getting so bushy I can't see the soil anymore. Time to thin out a bit and add a scrog.

I'm very busy with work and can only spend about 30min a day with them so I half assed rigged the scrog to at least getting them started. Gotta fill this space out more without going higher.

Pretty sure I'm going to switch to flower in 3 days.

This might be my last 2x4 grow. Might go to 4x4 as I really dont want to slow these babies down.

Definitely taking a few clones here before flower, this cookie kush seems to grow like....well....a weed!


Well-Known Member
Pretty sure I'm going to switch to flower in 3 days. ...
Definitely a "quick n dirty" SCROG set up - but it will work. For my 2x4, I built two 2x2 SCROG nets using 1"x1" wood trim and 2.5" spacing between the mesh. Allows me to fill all 8 feet of grow area. I would veg a bit longer and try to fill in a few of those bare patches on the left side before you flip. That can help to increase your overall yields. FYI - I've pulled close to 1 lb. out of my 2x4 from just two (2) plants. Pretty good yields ... fewer girls to care for.
This might be my last 2x4 grow. Might go to 4x4 as I really don't want to slow these babies down. ...
A 4 x 4 would be great if you wanted to haul 2 lbs. But is your worry the distance between the canopy and the lights once they have completed the flower stretch? Those HLG R-Spec lights are dimmable so if that distance becomes less than 20", you can dim their power accordingly to prevent light burn.

Example - if the distance ends up being 16", you can turn the power down to 80%.


Well-Known Member
Flower them Today. They are the perfect size and will fill that tent nicely. I don't care what strain it is , you will have some phenos stretch for the sky. I would switch those babies TODAY. nice looking grow btw


Yes height is my biggest concern.

I can pretty much cover the canopy by bending more over.

Although the tallest plant is only 18" high right now 22" from the ground in a 58" tent(without bending newest shoots over) rest are 16 or so.

Do you guys recommend a bit defoliate before I switch it to flower? If not I'm going to start tomorrow.



Well-Known Member
20190702_080707.jpg 20190702_080707.jpg I would flip the lights today. Those could easily stretch another 18 inches and I wait until after the stretch to pluck any leaves. Try to bend and leaf tuck. Plants get alot of energy from those fan leaves. I have great success just from bending and tucking . these plants are 5days into the flip and have stretched 8 inches in their first 5 days of 12/12


It's a 2x4 tent, HLG 320w rspec light, 10 gal pots(one in a 5 gal)

Been running 18/6 hr and topping them and a bit of training to keep them wider instead of taller.

I'm going to scrog it to help train it some more, MIGHT remove one plant as I'm not sure how crowded it will get.

Its cookie kush strain I got from clone, have about 25" of height left in the tent.

Should I switch to flower in a week? Last thing I want is these things to stretch 3 times their height now and I run out of room, but I want to fill out the canopy more.

What can I expect for growth in flower stage if I switch now?
Amazing first grow, I think in a week or two you should go for the flower stage


Well I started them on flower today, 6pm to 6am lights on. It's almost 100 degrees here today outside, still 84 in the tent but got the AC closer to the tent now and 4 fans.

Once I get a bit more stretch these babies will be hitting all sides of the tent then they can go up then I will spread them out again.

I'll post a pic in a few days when I see some growth

Thanks for all the replies so far. Really helps out.