First grow, should i switch to bloom? + rep for feedback

They are in big pots so have grown slowly and gone through a N problem, but they look ok and have been growing fast recently. should i switch them to under 1000hps at 12/12? if not now when?

I tried to supercrop one and it seems to be recovering... still growing but the stem has split.. thoughts?

Im wondering about switching the 4, in the pics below.

Grow 1 and 2, 062411 010.jpgGrow 1 and 2, 062411 009.jpgGrow 1 and 2, 062411 006.jpgGrow 1 and 2, 062411 007.jpg
Grow 1 and 2, 062411 008.jpg

These are just 6 others that are younger, topped two of em a week ago.
Grow 1 and 2, 062411 011.jpg


Well-Known Member
hps is good for vegging as well. 18 6 would be good.
i do 20 and 4 under 2 600 watt hps cool tubes.
they look too yellow. they are ready for 12 12 when ever u are. but the yield wont be as much.


Active Member
I would get them to about 12" and at least 4 nodes, then take them 12 12 ... remember a plant will normally grow 1-2x its present hight in 12 12


Well-Known Member
yea thats true. my plants were about 3 ft when they entered the flowerin phase. im about to harvest and they are pretty close to 6 ft.