First Grow Room Questions


Active Member
I am growing my first plants in a 3x2x2 box in my crawl space in my basement. I have a 400 W HPS light.
Any concerns about this?
Is this light to big for the box? i plant to grow 2-3 plants in it?
What type of ventilation do you think i should do?
I have a fan in the box is that all i need for air circulation?
Do i have to worry about fire or anything like that?
3x2x2 what? feet or meters? if it's feet then you don'y really have enough space to grow at all... i think. but your light will fry that place.
this probably won't work unless your 400 watter has an air-cooled reflector. if it does, then you should be fine using the light you have now.
no, the reflector has to be air cooled. like a cooltube design. Also, you would need an intake and exhaust to keep the air inside of the box from getting stagnant. your plants will thank you for the fresh air :)
yah i have a air cooled type ballast so the light is enclosed and it has a 6 inch hole on each side of the ballast so i plan to have a duct coming out of the ballast out of the box on each side and some 6 inch intake and outake fan. will that work?
the lamp will still get quite hot in that space. remember ur gonna have pots take up height and lose height with the fixings for the lights.
those 6" ducts are attached to the light not the ballast. The ballast is the heavy little box you plug your light into. Its air cooled because it has louvers around the outside to let air flow through it. 3' of height will not give you much space. Take you pot height off-6" to 8", take off the space required for the light -6" to 8" and the distance from the light ot the top of the plants -10". Lets see, thats 24" so your plants will have a foot of space. Better flower them before you germinate. See what we mean????? VV