First Grow Problems: unhappy plants

Hi guys,

would you please take a look at these five Critical Kush + 1 Neville's Haze young plants in their 2nd week? they were in a glass of 5.7 ph-ed RO Water for 24 hours in a dark, warm place for germination. after 24 hours the first signs of taproot were already visible. then they were put in paper towel, wet with the same water for 48 hours. After 48 hours the seeds had a taproot of approximately 4cm. they were planted carefully into rockwool and put in a heated propagator with a 24(min)-28(max) Celsius temp. and about 60% humidity under two 55 W Seedling CFLs and a filled reservoir with 5.7 Ph-ed RO Water + 2.5 ml/10L of each Flora Grow, Micro and Bloom + 20 ml/10L GHE Diamond Nectar + 1ml/L Advanced Hydroponics Root Stimulator (pump ON 24/7). A while after the first set of leaves appeared, both the cotyledons and the leaves started to show severe signs of burning. nevertheless they continued growing and this is how they look after two weeks:

Critical Kush:
IMG_2188.jpg IMG_2186.jpg IMG_2184.jpgIMG_2187.jpg IMG_2185.jpg

Neville's Haze:

as you can see, it seems that the haze is less affected.

the roots are also pretty good looking and showing rapid growth.
they were flushed once with 5.7 ph-ed RO water three days ago, and yesterday moved to the aeroflo aeroponics system under the same CFL light + 150 W Diamond XML series Advanced Led Lights. the pump was on for about one hour with ph-ed RO water and then filled with the same amounts of nutes, slightly less than the first time (270 ppm).

There is also a Gnomo Automatica (Auto Flower) in its 4th week in the same aeroponics system. it was germinated with the same progress used for the seeds mentioned above and after two weeks moved to the aeroponics system with the exact installation mentioned above, only with 7 ml/10 L of each Flora's, 20 ml/10 L Diamond Nectar. By mistake, The Flora Micro for Hard Water was used. There is also a small ozone generator with the stone in the aeroponics reservoir working 20 times a day ( each time 15 mins). This is how the Gnomo Automatica looks after 4 weeks:
IMG_2190.jpg IMG_2193.jpg IMG_2191.jpg IMG_2192.jpg

the spots were gold first and tend to show in lower older leaves.
The Gnomo is now with the young Critical Kush and Nevilles Haze plants in the same system with 2.5 ml/10 L Flora combination mentioned above. ( that means for the Gnomo the nutes were reduced from 7 ml/10L to 2.5 ml/10L )

the ph of the reservoir was always between 5.5 and 5.9, the grow room temps are 22min / 27 max, humidity 30% min, 60% max.

any helps appreciated! Thanks Everyone :)
the nutrients solution used in the propagator for the seedlings was followed by the flora series official chart, so i don't find any reasons for nute burn, but what else could it be? also could the brown spottings on the older plant be caused bu ozone damage? or is it nute burn/ deficiency?! :-??

big bud 56

Active Member
Dude,next time germ right to your medium,rockwool or whatever you use.
Let them sprout in the rockwool and let them go.
No nutes until the little round leaves that first appear turn yellow.
Then add a very weak nute solution and increase nute strength as seedlings grow.
Sounds like you're over thinking everything.
This isn't that hard to do.
Growing only as hard as you make it.
thanks for the reply, but i don't think thats the problem. the Gnomo Automatica was germinated directly into the rockwool, and from 5 seeds only one germinated, in contrary, all the five Critical Kush seeds germinated with the paper towel method. but i don't think it has anything to do with what's wrong with the plants, has it? :-?

big bud 56

Active Member
alright then why are you using nutes when seedlings are so young.
thanks for the reply, but i don't think thats the problem. the Gnomo Automatica was germinated directly into the rockwool, and from 5 seeds only one germinated, in contrary, all the five Critical Kush seeds germinated with the paper towel method. but i don't think it has anything to do with what's wrong with the plants, has it? :-?
so if the seedlings problem is nute burn, what is it with the Gnomo? is it nute burn too? as you may have noticed, there are several types of symptoms visible on the leaves. at one point the leaves have dark brownish spots on them, some other leaves have turns slightly lighter on some spots, the others having minor brown tips, etc. are there nute burns? or deficiency? or could ozone damage be an option?

big bud 56

Active Member
Not sure what to tell you except flush your system.
Since your seedlings are in the same system as your older plants,not a smart thing to do,I would suggest only water for all the plants until the problem clears up then I would increase the nutes a little at a time,see how they look after each increase.
thanks man!
the problem is, i think the Gnomo automatica is showing some deficiency signs, so i don't know if that'd be a good idea, AND i flushed the seedlings once.
any other suggestions, guys? is the Gnomo showing nute deficiency?