First Grow Problem?


Well-Known Member
Ok so I started my first grow exactly one week ago, by germinating some seeds in a paper towel. They sprouted three days ago and are now about two inches tall with their first fan leafes well on their way. But I think I have a problem. They leaves turned dark green and the stalk turned greenish brown. This happened to about half of the plants. Here's the setup: good dark soil, no fertz yet. I water every other day or when really dry. 12 hours of 75 flour. Per plant in well vented area during night. During the day I switch them to 12 hours outside in a sunny spot (in Georgia) so they are on a 24 hour system. I will switch to 12 in a couple months to enduce budding. I know at night they don't get much light but this is a small operation. I can't get much more supplies, I'm 16... thanks for any help.