First Grow (practice on bonus seed pack)


Active Member
Been reading and learning what I can on here for a few months now and decided to do my first grow. I am using the bonus seeds that came with my order as practice before I use the expensive ones. Because they are from the bonus pack, I have no idea what strain they may be. Just looking for some replies/advice on how everything is looking so far. These 2 plants are a little over a month old and were planted at the same time.

Basic set up:
2 ea 125w CFL lights
3x5x5 grow tent
Inline exhaust (not pictured) vented to the outside when needed
Fox Farm soil
3 gal aero pots
17/7 light schedule
Daytime temps average 80 F
Night temps are around 69 F
PH was at 7.0 but added a cap full of vinegar at the last watering (haven't rechecked it after that)
Added nutes once lasl week using Miracle Grow Organics Choice nutes at 1/2 the recommended dosage.



Active Member
One is 9 inches and the other is a little over 10. I had to adjust the light up a bit today because one of the plants was just about to touch the bulb


Active Member
Update on progress.

Both plants are over 18 inches now and I can't believe they have grown that much in just 7 days. I decided to switch them out to 12/12 cycle last night and see what happens. I did notice that one plant has some clawing in a few leaves where the other plant looks just fine. Both have the same lighting, feed schedule, etc. So I have no idea why it is doing that. Here are the latest pics.
