First grow!!! Please help!!!

ok so im about 2 and a half months into my first grow. I am using supersoil potting soil and it pretty much has no nutes in it (0.14-0.09-0.02) i have been adding high nitrogen bat guano(10-2-1) approx. every 4 weeks. the first time i gave it the bat guano, i had made a tea out of it, i think something like 3 tbl to a gallon of water and let it sit a few days. The second time was when i transplanted it into a 3 gallon container, i added about 6-7 tbl to the first few layers of soil. i water it with about a gallon of water at about 6 ph every 7 days or so. A few weeks ago im pretty sure i let it dry out a lil too much and it happened to hit 105 that day, some of the leaves curled up and looked like they fried up quite a bit. Now some of the leaves are turning light green-yellow. I cant remember every leaf that had damage but i do know that the ones that look all eatin up were some of them. It kinda seems like the yellow is moving up the plant but its hard to be sure. I think im adding enough N but im not sure. What do you think? Should i add some epsom salt? I am not using any micro nutes. Should i? Not sure if i really got the extra money to blow on them though. I know the soil isnt the best quality, but its all i had and i grew this from bagseed. Please help me out.



Well-Known Member
well, you got some troubles, but look like you should be able to work through them
the high temp didn't help matters, a fried leaf probably won't recover completely
doesn't look like nitrogen deficiency exactly, or if it is, it's just starting
you didn't mention if you had ph'd your water, also do you water enough so there is plenty of outflow?
for micronutes, molasses(in the form of tea) is a great source of micronutes
be wary of epsom salts for the moment, maybe after you're sure what you have for problems
well, you got some troubles, but look like you should be able to work through them
the high temp didn't help matters, a fried leaf probably won't recover completely
doesn't look like nitrogen deficiency exactly, or if it is, it's just starting
you didn't mention if you had ph'd your water, also do you water enough so there is plenty of outflow?
for micronutes, molasses(in the form of tea) is a great source of micronutes
be wary of epsom salts for the moment, maybe after you're sure what you have for problems
well i do have to ph my water to around 6, im using a little bit of vinegar to do that. I do not know the exact ph being as im using a chemical tester, the ones that kinda look like a pool testing kit, but i do kno that it is around 6.


Well-Known Member
ph sounds reasonable - heard some mixed results with vinegar - but seem to be quite a few for who it works
2 1/2 months is plenty of time for salt buildup in the pot - you should see about 20% of the water flow out the bottom after every watering
ph sounds reasonable - heard some mixed results with vinegar - but seem to be quite a few for who it works
2 1/2 months is plenty of time for salt buildup in the pot - you should see about 20% of the water flow out the bottom after every watering
i have never paid attention to how much water comes out of the bottom, i never even knew that was important unless ur flushing. i do kno that a little has been coming out but i dont know about 20 percent. so is that pretty much all you can think it might be? how does it look for 2 1/2 months?

oh and also it has not been in the same pot the wole time, i transplanted it about a month ago


Well-Known Member
adequate outflow is very important - it's one of those things that will cause a gradually building situation
you should have been seeing a 'fair amount' of outflow - the 'big' flush' is for more serious problems
your plant doesn't look great for 2 1/2 months - but certainly seen worse here
from overall description i'd say you're battling several problems - heat, bit of nute problem, maybe a bit of under watering
i don't think you need to do a large flush, just give it a bit more during watering
and molasses can help - it is real 'shotgun' for insuring all the micronute bases are covered
adequate outflow is very important - it's one of those things that will cause a gradually building situation
you should have been seeing a 'fair amount' of outflow - the 'big' flush' is for more serious problems
your plant doesn't look great for 2 1/2 months - but certainly seen worse here
from overall description i'd say you're battling several problems - heat, bit of nute problem, maybe a bit of under watering
i don't think you need to do a large flush, just give it a bit more during watering
and molasses can help - it is real 'shotgun' for insuring all the micronute bases are covered
ok so how do i do the molasses thing? can i get it at the store? how much? how do i mix it up and administer it?


Well-Known Member
yup, can get it at the store, just make sure it is unsulphured - most molasses are unsulphured - just double check on the label
use as a tea - can be combined with other organics such as bat guano
amount recommended is from 1 tsp to 1 tbsp per gallon of water
let the molasses/water ferment for a couple of days - shake it once a day to oxygenate it
it's more effective that way - beneficial bacteria - i'd use the 1 tbsp here since i think you are a little short on nutes(maybe)


Well-Known Member
for 10 weeks(2 1/2 months), this does not look like a vigorous plant
it's doing ok, but not thriving
naw nothing nibbled on it, that was from a hot ass day, and i think i let it dry out a little too much. the leaves started to fold up and got all brittle. what do u mean slow build all around nutes?
yea i have it outside and pretty much move it around all day to keep it in the sunnyist part of the backyard. probably around 6-7 hours of light but i could be wrong, could be more could be less. i just really hope it turns out to be a female after all this


Well-Known Member
good start building nutes and cut down a few trees for some solid light exposure..... moving the plant around could cause a stunted growth if you move it often enough....


Well-Known Member
it could if you moved it often enough..... more than 3 times a day (depending on how far your moving it, the shorter the distants the better). Your growing in a pot right? roots often times grow out of the bottom of the pots and into the soil beneath it. If you lift the pot after that it could tear those new roots.
it could if you moved it often enough..... more than 3 times a day (depending on how far your moving it, the shorter the distants the better). Your growing in a pot right? roots often times grow out of the bottom of the pots and into the soil beneath it. If you lift the pot after that it could tear those new roots.
yes its a 3 gallon pot. what if i put something under the pot? whats the story with micro nutes? should one use it the whole way thru, along with the nutes for veg and bloom? besides flushing of course.