FIRST GROW!! Please help!

My plants are about 2 weeks from being planted in soil. My setup consists of four 60 watt CFLs in a reflective box made with tin foil. It seems as if all of them are showing the same signs but I cannot figure out what I’m doing wrong! Please any help is much appreciated.


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They look burnt. Too much heat.?Lights too close or nutrients in the soil?
I raised the lights another inch and switched to 18-6 light cycle to try to give them some recovery time. As for the nutrients, I just used plain planting soil that I bought from Walmart. I read that I shouldn’t start feeding them other nutrients until they’re a little bigger but maybe I should start now as a last resort.
You need 30% perlite in the soil. It is too dense and is going to drown the plants. 60w CFL is prob about 13w actual. That means you are putting it closer to the plant to give light but CFL's put off quite a bit of heat and appears to be burning them. If you stay with CFL's add more and raise them up. Put a couple of small fans in there also.
No nutes. Was there some already in your potting mix? I’m going to say yes. These might not make it. Get specific seed starter soil for the next try if these don’t make it. I wouldn’t do anything just see if they come back. You might want to start shopping for new seeds.
You need 30% perlite in the soil. It is too dense and is going to drown the plants. 60w CFL is prob about 13w actual. That means you are putting it closer to the plant to give light but CFL's put off quite a bit of heat and appears to be burning them. If you stay with CFL's add more and raise them up. Put a couple of small fans in there also.
Do you think transferring them to larger pots with perlite could help? Or would the shock from the transplant just fill them off because they’re already so weak?
No nutes. Was there some already in your potting mix? I’m going to say yes. These might not make it. Get specific seed starter soil for the next try if these don’t make it. I wouldn’t do anything just see if they come back. You might want to start shopping for new seeds.
Might go with coco on the next try. It seems to be much better at draining water and preventing overwatering which I believe is what I did unfortunately. Still gonna wait these ones out to see if any can somehow recover
I would mix a batch of soil and perlite then transplant them into solo cups with the new mix. This will accomplish 2 things. Give you dryer soil immediately and aerate the the roots. I have done this back in my past when I overwatered and it works.
Do you think transferring them to larger pots with perlite could help? Or would the shock from the transplant just fill them off because they’re already so weak?
No not to a larger pot. Just into another solo cup. Weed always does better when you let it dry between waterings. All I do is soil grows. it is a lot easier IMHO.
Higher but not too high like 60% for seedlings not like raining on em all the time. You want them roots to reach for water and grow grow grow
First thing, don’t panic, it’s a weed and it will grow just about anywhere, the trick is giving it the perfect conditions to do so!

personally I would get myself a bag of soil that is more suitable for cannabis try bio bizz light mix or plagron light mix from any hydro store or order online, if ya can’t get that get John innes number 2 potting compost, I get it from b and q in the U.K. it’s a hardware store not sure where you would get from in the us

once you’ve got a proper bit of soil you won’t have to give her anything else other than water for the first 2-3 weeks or until your plant is a good 6-8 inches tall at least

also lose the tin foil in your box, it will do more harm than good, replace it with white paper if anything as the tin foil will create heat spots and burn your plants white paper will reflect,

also instead of your 4 cfls take a look at T5 light kits, the cheapest one is like £20 or around $30 should be a bit more effective than your cfl lights

that’s just a little checklist for you to begin with once you get some of that done I’ll hit you with another load of info lol, good luck bro and happy learning!

( I started out with a tinfoil box and cfls too! Got a whole 2 grams from a Thai weed bag seed and a Hindu Kush bag seed after an excruciating 4-5 month grow LOL)
The soil is like £10 per 50l
Get your soil and your light kit
£30 expense and your basically sweet for half of the grow
First thing, don’t panic, it’s a weed and it will grow just about anywhere, the trick is giving it the perfect conditions to do so!

personally I would get myself a bag of soil that is more suitable for cannabis try bio bizz light mix or plagron light mix from any hydro store or order online, if ya can’t get that get John innes number 2 potting compost, I get it from b and q in the U.K. it’s a hardware store not sure where you would get from in the us

once you’ve got a proper bit of soil you won’t have to give her anything else other than water for the first 2-3 weeks or until your plant is a good 6-8 inches tall at least

also lose the tin foil in your box, it will do more harm than good, replace it with white paper if anything as the tin foil will create heat spots and burn your plants white paper will reflect,

also instead of your 4 cfls take a look at T5 light kits, the cheapest one is like £20 or around $30 should be a bit more effective than your cfl lights

that’s just a little checklist for you to begin with once you get some of that done I’ll hit you with another load of info lol, good luck bro and happy learning!

( I started out with a tinfoil box and cfls too! Got a whole 2 grams from a Thai weed bag seed and a Hindu Kush bag seed after an excruciating 4-5 month grow LOL)
Thanks for the advice might just see these 4 out to see if they make a recovery and then I’ll upgrade my setup before attempting again
Thanks for the advice might just see these 4 out to see if they make a recovery and then I’ll upgrade my setup before attempting again
They will still grow I would think

but if you were to make the upgrades I mentioned you would see see growth a lot quicker and it’s always more fun to watch a healthy plant rather than a struggling one lol
Looks like nutrient burn to me. Almost commercial potting soil has timed release fertilizer in it. Even FF ocean forest can be to hot for seedlings.