First Grow Planning. What do you guys think?


Hi there,

Total newbie here :) My friend who works at the local club and I decided to begin a grow to supply some much needed meds! We rent our own house and wanted to use a spare bedroom to grow a decent crop. Although I have read tons on this site, and watched a few videos, this will still be my first grow. This is the basic outline I have come up with so far, any input from this wise community is greatly appreciated!

We are planning on a 2 X 400W MH Veg room in one half of the room, and a 1000W HPS in the flowering room. I was wondering if you guys thought the 1000W HPS would be enough for about 16 plants each using a square foot in a 4'x'4 area. Would it be pushing it to use a 5'x5' area with the one lamp? Since the lamp can only penetrate about a foot of foliage, I was thinking of having many plants but bud them when they are relatively small. I was thinking of buying this lamp because of that amazing price: Should I get a cooltube or euro reflector?

As far as ventilation goes, I was hoping to pull air out of the room through the light hood, and through a carbon filter using a 6' 440 cfm blower. I was planning on having passive air intake through a small vent. This was the system I was thinking about purchasing: Would this be enough?

We wanted to start from seeds to get a good variety of strains. I was thinking of using Nirvana since it is recommended by this site. Would strains that the seed banks claim flower for 8-9 do well with slightly longer budding strains? Or should I strive to purchase strains with the same traits if they are going to be in the same flowering room. I plan on removing the males as soon as they reveal themselves. We plan on using clones after the first crop.

I'm planning on using fox farm potting soil, but I still need to do a bit of research on what the best nutes would be. I have already purchased a large plastic tub to hold my water and mix my nutes.

Any flaws or problems you guys see in this setup? Any advice? Anything I may have neglected? Thanks so much for the time RIU, and I'm looking forward to reading your reponses!


alright. looks like you thought a lot about your grow before you start, always a good thing! the only question i can answer myself for you is about the light. always go for the cooltube if you can. you can get the light closer and with a fan sucking all the hot air away it helps with heat problems! hope you get the rest of your answers soon! good luck.


Thanks for the input bugs, I'm going to seriously consider cooltubes. And thanks for referring me to that forum... seems pretty cool :)