First Grow Outdoors - SoCal - White Rhino & Cheese - Step By Step


New Member
Hello all. Being a first time grower I have spent hours of time reading post and articles on different ways people grow there crops. But being new to cultivating (I've killed a chi-pet before) and having ADHD, it's hard for me to learn new things I know nothing about or where even to start.. Way overwhelming! But I have a love for that goddamm plant!!! This is also the first time in my life to have the time to attempt my own crop. So here is my first grow straight up.... I am currently growing 5 White Rhino plants and 1 Cheese. They are all bought online and are feminized with plans to grow outdoors when ready.

I received the seeds last week and started germinating on Friday. I also went to home depot to pick up the supply's I needed for this endeavor. Again not fully understanding how and when to add nutri, or anything about soil, I brought a list of the types of products I needed to buy. In the gardening department a guy asked if I needed help. Handing him the list of items, I kinda just went with the flow as I thought he knew what he was doing. I got home and was excited to get everything set up to be ready to plant the seedlings. As I'm laying everything out I have Kellogg Patio Plus Outdoor Potting Mix, Kellogg Organic Planting Soil, Kellogg Natural Organic Fertilizer 4-6-3. As I know you want to start them out in neutral soil for a couple weeks while germinating, so I mixed 2 parts KPM and 1 part KPS watering with bottle water. As I was blown away at how thick it was and very woodies the soil was, I started getting nervous. (I didn't realize mix and soil were different. I know, I'm an idiot). Anyway, on Monday 3 of the 5 White Rhino were ready to be placed in this slop. Being very reluctant, but excited, I went ahead and planted them anyway. Then placing them under 200w for 24hr while germinating.

Wanting everything to right and get a great crop on this grow, I couldn't stop thinking about the soil. I don't know if the soil was right or wrong but I just had a very bad feeling about it. Realizing that the other seedlings were going to be ready soon, and not being confident with what I had. I stayed up all night trying to understand the process and where I went wrong. Creating a new list and having a better understanding I went to the nursery to start over. I got the following items and feel a lot better.. Premium Organic Potting Soil (Uni-Gro), Perlite Bat Guano, Worm Castings, VF-11, Fish Fertilizer 5-1-1, Miracle grow all purpose plant food 20-20-20, PH/Nit+ test kit, and a moisture meter. Mixing the soil, bat guano, worm castings, and perlite, I made a soil that I feel a little better about but need and want any suggestions. I then planted the 2 more WR and the 1 Cheese. Then, feeling that the other soil was bad I said fuck it and decided to change the soil of the other plant that I planted the previous day. I recovered all seedlings carefully and successfully as far as I can see. I guess time will tell. So now currently all 6 plants are in what I believe to be better soil and under light 200w florescent halg. I'll attach all pictures. Please feel free to point me in the right direction if I'm off coarse. I'll keep everything updated daily or any major changes. Well, until next time, Good token!!!!!!



Well-Known Member
Should be ok, add about 30% perlite and don't overwater. In those pots they can get a couple feet tall before transplanting.


New Member
Buds thank you for the feedback. Your saying I should add 30% more perlite to the pots? How would I do that without messing with the seeds? Also I'm watering with 1/4 strength VF-11 right now, is there anything else that I should be giving them?