First Grow. Odd leaf curling. Ahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Plz Help


Active Member
Hey so i went to chek on my babies today and the leaves on one of plants had like rust looking spots that were kinda see through and a couple tiny holes in two leaves.

The other plant had two leaves drooping down at the end and turning a really dark green. I'm pretty sure it's not over watering cause i only water every 3 days or 4 and its been really hot lately and they have been drying out fast.

Any help would really be appreciated ! :).....Heres the pics :)




Well-Known Member
Leaf problem: Not enough moisture, Mary likes her humidity between 40% - 50%
Solution: Cool Mist Humidifier/De-Humidifier or place a cereal bowl of water in your grow area

Holes in the Leaves problem: Could be bugs, I don't know of anything else that would create holes in your plants leaves
Solution: Buy a 30x magnifier, distinguish what kind of bugs you have(if any), but an insectisoap formula and spray