first grow, no signs of life.



I'm on my first grow using an autoflower under 24 hour light and i dont understand why the seeds wont pop up through the soil.
im using canna professional mix soil, 250w dual spectrum bulb in a medium sized box. I dont understand what has gone wrong....any thought or ideas would be appreciated



Active Member
you dont need light to germinate a seed

just pop it into the soil but not too deep cover it with plastic bag or food wrap to keep the moisture in and keep it warm for a few days making sure it dont dry out and bobs your mothers brother you got a seedling


i've germinated the seeds in paper towels, so can i not just plant them and put them straight under light? or is putting them in the dark all part of the germination process?
if so wud it be cool to plant them and then stick the pots in a closed draw?

thanks for the help


Active Member
well when the seed is under the soil its dark
i always germinate mine straight in soil never bothered with paper towels seems too easy to snap a taproot when moving them
longs its warm icant see why you cant put it in the draw just check it twice a day
once it sprouts get it under some over head light i prefer flouros for the first few days so i can get them closer so they dont stretch


they've only been in 4 days but this is the second time i've tried and first time they were in there a week with no signs of life...

cheers zippy
I had some problems with germinating seeds as well. Eventually I left some water out overnight, poured it into a coffee mug, dropped in the seeds, and then covered with newspaper. Within 24 hours, they were getting some nice taproots. Just make sure you leave it somewhere that is fairly warm. After planting them, it was still a few days in the soil before they sprouted. Just as everyone says, be patient and all will be well.


i've got the taproots fine, its the step after that im not really sure about to b honest. i know how to plant them in the pot....but i dont really know what to do with the pot once they're planted, surely it wudnt matter if they were under 24hour light once they're planted if the seed is below the soil.
Can anyone also suggest how much water they should be getting? and how much the soil should b watered before planting them. i know this sounds really simple but its seems the most simple things are the hardest to find instructions on.

thanks for the help guys
I've got limited resources so I went ahead and planted them in 9 liter pots that will likely never get transplanted. As for light, I have a 400 watt MH that I had around 3-4 feet above the pots before they sprouted. Once they did, I moved it down a few inches. As they grow stronger, I will be getting them closer to the light. And watering, I just shove my finger into the soil a few inches to make sure it is still moist. If it is a bit dry, I will water around where the seed is and not directly on it. They've only been in soil for about 5 days and I have watered twice, once when I planted them and once this morning. But I only watered enough to keep the top few inches a bit damp. Also, make sure it is pretty warm where you are keeping them.
No problem, you and I are in the same boat with it being our first grow. We'll be together in this project, let me know how your growing goes and best of luck to you for some nice ladies to harvest.