First Grow! New Pic's Taken Today Enjoy =)

here are my girls...


Soild is FoxFarms
fert for veg is schultz plant food plus 10-15-10
for the powdery mildew I got I used safer garden fungicide ( a sulfer spray)
water - i want when i can. sometimes at night. sometimes in the middle of the day... sometimes mornings LOL!

bigger ones get 1/2 gallon there elephant
littler ones get a gallon between the 3 ( 1/3 gallon) there dutch treat
feed every other watter - water every three days.....

there is my run down LOL!


Active Member
Few tips for next year, first Space them out more, get them bigger, more plants couldnt hurt either. Just make sure they're not all in the same spot!! Lookin good an green though. Peace
I did want them to get bigger but the weather here in the Puget sound sucked so I have to wait till July 5th to put them out... I know they would not be big :-( but hay I gave it a shot. maybe next time I'll try indoor if I can.... And of course some outdoors to because I think it is fun and a good hobby...


Active Member
Puget sound huh? Wow ... Balls to grow out side. I would freak of mold like mad? Medical?
If so, why not indoors?

I wish you the best, She looks ok for the weather I know you have there. I used to work in sound, so I know all about what you are up with.
Ya lol! It presents its challenges... That is why I use a fungicide and will follow up with neem oil to prevent any further mildew, but it is fun and here soon the weather will take care of watering for me. lol. out door because it is cheap and never did it before, and I will try indoor when i get up the moneys =D