First Grow, Need Some Help in Flowering Stage and curing

This is my first grow and I used some seeds from some high-quality mid grade bud. I have had the four plants in vegetative stage under two 48" High Output 80 watt fluorescent bulbs on a basic chain system that allows me to raise the light. They have been in veg for 8 to 10 weeks under 24/0 and I just cut back t 12/12 4 days ago. I am still somewhat unsure of how to exactly identify a male, I know to look for the hairs for the females, which I see on three. I also purchased some bud and bloom fertilizer that is 4-10-10 and is that what I need during the flowering and how long should I add this? Is the 4 too much Nitro?? I have the plants in five gallon buckets, with drains in miracle grow potting soil and have been for 6 weeks. Will the plants flower completely with just fluorescent or do I need another type of light? I keep a fan on them as about 18 -24 hr per day and have used LST on two of the plants. How long should I let them flower?? i can upload pics if you like, i am just excited and don't want to mess my harvest up. Thanks for any help and happy smoking!! :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Floros will flower but yield will be low...The last 2 weeks of flowering it helps to use a booster like 4-45-10....4 for N is ok. Flowering takes 8-12 weeks in soil....All depends on height of plant though.