First Grow Need Help


This is my first grow all bagseed and i'm wanting to choose one plant. i know it is too early to tell sex since they are only 13 days old but if you were to choose which ONE would you keep?



Active Member
This is my first grow all bagseed and i'm wanting to choose one plant. i know it is too early to tell sex since they are only 13 days old but if you were to choose which ONE would you keep?
they all look good but the one all the way to the right.seems a lil bigger than the rest good grow so far.:clap:


thanks! the one all the way to the right has been the biggest the whole time so it made me a little worried, also it has a retarted leaf, i don't know if that matters any. i've had my eye on the top left. The reason i'm asking i beause i'm going to be doing lst and i only have room for one plant. i guess my chances are just as good/bad with any of them i choose. I was planning on planting in my big pot tomorrow. Do you have any advice on what to look for to help me make my selection?


Active Member
thanks! the one all the way to the right has been the biggest the whole time so it made me a little worried, also it has a retarted leaf, i don't know if that matters any. i've had my eye on the top left. The reason i'm asking i beause i'm going to be doing lst and i only have room for one plant. i guess my chances are just as good/bad with any of them i choose. I was planning on planting in my big pot tomorrow. Do you have any advice on what to look for to help me make my selection?
why only choose 1 when it might be male then it would be worthless switch the lights to 12/12 so they will flower and show sex asap


Ok if you don't mind answering a couple more questions i would appreciate it! tomorrow they will be 14 days old. if i switch to flower can i switch back to veg? will this turn them hermie? also if i switch to 12/12 should i change the light spectrum too or just leave it like it is so i can switch back to veg easier?

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
yes you can but not really the best idea. The plant will take time to show sex like 3 weeks and than it will take time to reveg and you coul;d have just vegged em. What you want to do is keep growing em. Try topping them above the 3rd or 4 th node. They will grow more shoots and you can take clones of your plants to determine which ones were male and wich ones were female and also keep a clone of each female in veg while you flower your ladies. Whichever one is the best keep that clone as your mamma. That's really the only way to tell which ones to keep, if you don't want to do that just keep all the females.


Active Member
Ok if you don't mind answering a couple more questions i would appreciate it! tomorrow they will be 14 days old. if i switch to flower can i switch back to veg? will this turn them hermie? also if i switch to 12/12 should i change the light spectrum too or just leave it like it is so i can switch back to veg easier?
first 2700k is best for flowering and yea you can switch back to veg.and most of the time stress can make a plant go hermie.but if you keep them all and just leave them in those cups until you tell sex then choose which 1 you want


yes you can but not really the best idea. The plant will take time to show sex like 3 weeks and than it will take time to reveg and you coul;d have just vegged em. What you want to do is keep growing em. Try topping them above the 3rd or 4 th node. They will grow more shoots and you can take clones of your plants to determine which ones were male and wich ones were female and also keep a clone of each female in veg while you flower your ladies. Whichever one is the best keep that clone as your mamma. That's really the only way to tell which ones to keep, if you don't want to do that just keep all the females.
I don't really have the time to wait that long nor do i have the room to do all of that. maybe one day when i get a new place and i can expand. i need to know in like a week at the most for my plan to work properly.


Active Member
any other suggestions or should i just flip a coin?

First thing is you can't rush nature :-)

You have some very healthy plants there but if you want to be fairly sure of getting at least 1 female you are going to need to select 3 of them!

Why not go with 3 smaller pots, put them into 12/12 and grow them out? Within 14 days you will see if you have any males as they show first, discard it/them and flower out the female/s. You will still be able to take cuttings from a flowering plant and from point you have your future stock for the follow up grow.

If it were me starting over again I'd flower all of those in small pots and select the2 best females. You do need to plan ahead in this game, and be genetically selective for the future. Down the line you will end up with 1 very stable plant as you wish, and simply clone from clone etc. But you need to start from the begining and look forward.

You got a nice touch, they look healthy :-)

Btw, yes you can reveg a mid flowering plant no problem, as to so called 'hermies' think less in terms of stress and more in terms of stable genetics, most hermies are genetic caused by overbreeding and its very common in feminised seeds, but go with solid genetics and you will rarely if ever, see one.

Hope this helps in some way, oh and dont worry about mutant leaf growth either, its common.


Well-Known Member
i would go with pipa dream and naturesmoker, you can keep the clones in a very small area and they will give you time to see wich of your plants are female iff you follow natuesmoke and flwer those in the pots they are in.
Lots of people do those party cups grow choosing the plant at random its never a good idea (if it was me with my luck it would turn out male) just make a small place with just 2 cfl and put 2 clones of each plant there and keep those in those pots and put them 12/12 in 1 or 2 weeks you will know witch ones are male and female.


It's amazing how much you can learn by asking a few question as opposed to searching around for a few hours. I guess a lot of people have a lot of the same questions but in their own little way they are different. I really appreciate all of the advice i've recieved so far. Can i take a clipping now with as young as they are? I pretty much have three selected, but i don't have enough light and i wasn't really planning on adding any more. I currently have 4 26w 65k and 2 26w 27k totalking 156 watts and 9900 lumens. my understanding is that this is just enough light to grow 2 plants, but i was going for the one really healthy plant.


Active Member

You have enough light to select 3 plants, move them up a pot size (2litres will do) and flower them, chances are you will be left with 1 or hopefully 2 females in around 14 days time. Then repot again what you have left, take a cutting/s and concentrate on flowering out the female while your cuttings root (approx 2 weeks). OK so if you only pull 14g dry each from the first female/s you will have at least established your breeding line for the future (assuming you are happy with the bud). The clones can then be vegged up longer knowing they are females for the follow up and BANG, you're on your way :-)

if you select just 1 and it turns out male you goingto be kicking yourself!

Best advice I can give, good luck.